


En résumé

Dynamic and smiling person, I'm always looking forward to meet interesting profiles and to learn from other professionals. I love to engage with professionals from different medias & careers, and to create awesome projects together.

My goal is to have a thorough knowledge of online marketing.

What characterizes me ?

- I search being different
- I have journalism skills
- I understand and know the diversity of channels
- I am a day of the news
- I have a great sense of humor
- I have a great sense of empathy
- I know how to tell stories
- I can identify the relevant information
- I am multitask
- I know how important the client is
- I know when to "automate" tasks

Mes compétences :
Social Media Marketing
Digital Marketing
Public Relationships
Online Advertising


  • Search-Foresight - SEO Manager

    Levallois-Perret 2016 - maintenant Synodiance becomes Search Foresight in April 2016.
    My achievements at Search Foresight :

    Technical SEO :
    - Technical auditories
    - Crawl Analysis (Screaming Frog, Botify)
    - Web site migrations, redirects and error page elimination (national/international projets)
    - Speed optimizations
    - Log analysis

    Content SEO :
    - Keyword research
    - Competitive Analysis
    - High Value Content creation
    - Rich Snippets / Structured Data optimization

    Linkbuilding :
    - Building partnership
    - Cleaning external linking

    Projet Management :
    Face-to-face presentations
    - Direct customer relationship management
    - Creation and follow-up of the action plan, ensuring the deadlines set
    - Participation in multidisciplinary projects, with several agencies and interlocutors involved (including international projects)
    - Participation in pre-sales

    Reporting :
    - Monitoring and performance reporting (traffic, quality KPIs, visibility, audit reports...)

    Other skills :
    - Creation, organization and participation of the International Pole (network of SEO consultants around the world for the participation in international projects)
    - Weekly attendance at Search Foresight Newsletter
    - Organization of trainings for advertisers and clients
    - Organization of the "Matinées Experts", in-house training project for SEO consultants

    Programs : Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Screaming Frog, SEMrush, Google Keyword Planner, MajesticSEO, GTMetrix, Structured Data Testing Tool, Searchmetrics, Advanced Web Ranking, Excel, PowerPoint, Trello, etc.

    References :
    - Bouygues Immobilier (Corporate Website & blog): migration projects
    - Voyages SNCF: international migration projects
    - Sodexo: international migration projects
    - GA Immobilier
    - Aoste: migration project
    - France Agroalimentaire
    - Comexposium (Foire de Paris, Créations et Savoir Faire, Trustech, INTERMAT...): migration projects
    - SMDO industries
    - Green Office
    - Laboratoire Marque Verte: http>https migration
    - Tous les Héros
    - Dressing Responsable
  • Synodiance - Consultante SEO

    Paris 2015 - 2016 SEO accompaniement : technical, content & netlinking
    References :
    - Bouygues Immobilier
    - GA
    - Comexposium
    - Tous les Héros
    - SDMO
  • Full Adgency - Traffic Manager

    2015 - 2015 Adwords campaings (set up and optimisation).

    - Search
    - DSA
  • Sos Internet - Marketing Manager

    2014 - 2015 Spanish and english's market marketing manager.
    Brand development & web site traffic growth, developed brand strategy and statistics systems.

    - SEO and SEM
    - Press relations
    - Community management
    - Partners development
  • Kaizen Marketing Group - SEA Manager

    Bordeaux 2014 - 2014 French & spanish campaigns.

    - Search
    - Display
    - Remarketing
    - RSLA
    - SCM
    - DSA
    - Lengow
    - Facebook
    - Google Shopping

    References :
    - Lafuma
    - Oxbow
    - Siblu villages
    - Le Tilbury
    - Cool Cadeau
    - Zoomalia
    - Inseec
  • Help Mobile - Marketing manager

    2013 - 2013 In a newly company, I was in charge of SEO and the establishment of an online community, both with partners and customers.

    - SEO
    - Google maps
    - Yearbooks
    - Social networks
  • We Movie - Community Manager

    2013 - 2014 - Brand strategy development
    - Partners strategy
    - Community management (blog & social networks)
  • Spanish Consulate (Bordeaux) - Communication Manager

    2012 - 2013 For six months I was commissioned to conduct a study of citizens' needs (spaniards and french), and propose a suitable communication plan for, once it was approved, update the consulate website, responding in this way to the needs identified.
    To accomplish all this study I worked in the reception of citizens.

    - Market research
    - Problems and needs ID
    - Creating and submitting an action plan
    - Implementation and enforcement of the action plan


  • Escen The Web Business School

    Bordeaux 2014 - 2015 Web Business

    Master 2 specialized in Web Marketing.
    The last two months the campus "moves" to San Francisco, where experts from the Silicom Valley come to teach us the specifications of the American market and the world of startups.
    In addition, the presentation and defense of our annual report occurs in San Francisco face an English jury.

    - Web strategy
    - Marketing
    - Finances
    - HR & management
  • Euroinnova Formación, International Business School (Granade)

    Granade 2012 - 2012 Protocol and Institutional Communication
  • Université Michel De Montaigne

    Bordeaux 2011 - 2012 Français B1-B2

    I took a 8 months grade of french as a foreign language.
    I developed the following skills:

    - Reading
    - Writing
    - Speaking & debates
    - French art
    - French administration & politic
  • Universidad Complutense De Madrid

    Madrid 2006 - 2011 Publicité et RP

    Public Relations, Advertising, and Applied Communication.

    I did a five year grade in Publicity and Relations Publiques.
    I specialized in planning and managing advertising projects.


Annuaire des membres :