

Levallois-Perret Cedex

En résumé

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  • Alstom Power - Internal Control Manager - Hydro & Wind

    Levallois-Perret Cedex 2013 - maintenant
  • Alstom - Senior Internal controller

    Saint Ouen 2011 - 2013 • Work full time on the Internal Control project as a true partner of Sites/Countries and Product Lines
    • Advise local units on Internal Control practices (from technical to practical point of view)
    • Assist in analyzing Internal Control deficiencies (interviews, walkthrough tests)
    • Drive actions in each site or transverse so as to improve Internal Control situation
    • Assist in designing , writing & implementing Sector or site level controls/policies/procedures
    • Work on specific topics (ie. Delegation of Authority/ SOA or others transverse topics)
    • Help to develop an “Internal Control culture” and to extend scope of IC to operational & sector orientated processes with a business approach

  • Ernst and Young - Senior Financial Auditor

    Courbevoie 2008 - 2011 Assurance assignments
    • Reviewed internal control processes and recommended improvements when needed
    • Validated financial statements: calculations and consistency with operational data and relevant norms (French GAAP or IFRS) and other documents provided to shareholders and boards of directors
    • Wrote and presented reports to the clients (CFO and Corporate Finance Team)
    • Managed junior teams: allocated tasks, provided guidance and reviewed work
    Management of offshoring team in India (internal project, 3 months)
    • Locally supervised, trained the Indian team (16 juniors) and reviewed the work done

    Clients: Renault, Eramet, Alstom, Alcatel, Unipex,...


Pas de formation renseignée


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