Port autonome de Dakar
- Juriste
2014 - maintenant
Association des Familles Victimes du Saturnisme
- Juriste-Chargée de projets
2013 - 2013
Cabinet d'avocat
- Juriste stagiaire
2012 - 2012
- Juriste Stagiaire
2012 - 2012
United Nations Office of Legal Affairs
2010 - maintenant
United Nations Office on Drugs and crime
2010 - 2010
1. Research on best practices in the area of criminal justice reform and crime prevention;
2. Research on technical cooperation activities undertaken in the area of criminal justice reform and crime prevention at the international and bilateral level;
3. Research on the criminal justice system and crime prevention in countries where UNODC is envisaging to start with technical assistance activities.
4. Assisting with the drafting of selected handbooks, speeches,presentations, country briefs,project and programme documents in the broad area of criminal justice reform and crime prevention;
5. Support the publication of the above materials, both in hard copy and on the world-wide web;
6. Drafting background analyses/papers in the broad area of criminal justice reform and crime prevention.
7. Assisting with the organization and preparation of Expert Group Meetings, as required.
Université Paris-Sud 11
- Assistant-enseignant
2009 - 2012
Chargée de TD en droit international public, en Relations internationales, en Libertés publiques, Contentieux européen
France Vétérinaire International
- Agent contractuel
2009 - 2010
Finalisation de la base de données des experts; mise en place des procédures et modèles pour les contrats d'experts, suivant leur structure d'appartenance et le programme ; opérations d’archivage