
Baptiste MALLEZ


En résumé

Interested in Package Management and on-site follow-up in Oil&Gas industry or Energy industry in France or abroad.

Mes compétences :
Suivi de chantiers
Construction navale
Opérations sous marines
Suivi de projets
Installations pétrolière


  • Subsea 7 - Senior Engineer Construction Assets

    SURESNES 2012 - maintenant SUBSEA 7 (Suresnes, France)
    Senior Engineer in Construction Assets Engineering dpt. (Offshore Resources)
    - Technical support,
    - Package Engineering & Management,
    - Onsite management for Maintenance & Repair stops,
    - Conversions,
    - CAPEX and Upgrades.
  • Subsea 7 -- Acergy - Construction Assets Engineer

    2010 - 2012 SUBSEA 7 (Suresnes, France)
    Project Engineer in Construction Assets Engineering department
    - Technical support for vessels and construction assets across the whole Acergy fleet. Centre of expertise for construction asset engineering (ownership of engineering standards)
    - Deliver Engineering solutions to Offshore Resources projects and New built departments
    - Support specification, procurement and installation or upgrade of construction/lay assets and equipment
    - Provide engineering support to Offshore Resources fleets for CAPEX identification/preparation
    - Resource management of key engineering disciplines
    - Follow-up on new technology developments
  • Acergy - Field Engineer

    SAINT MAURICE 2007 - 2010 ACERGY AFMED (Suresnes, France)
    Field Engineer onboard the Derrick & Pipelay Barge POLARIS
    - On board :
    Technical adviser to the Offshore Manager and Customer.
    In charge of the good understanding and rigorous follow-up of the procedures during the operations.
    In charge of mobilization/demobilization of all specific projects equipments, materials and consumables.
    - In the office :
    Preparation of projects prior to the operations phases according to the procedures.
    Technical adviser and support to project installation engineers.
    Upgrades on existing or integration of new POLARIS equipments to suit present and future projects requirements.
    Interfacing with POLARIS, Project Teams and Yards.
    Equipment mobilization.


  • Nanyang Technological University MAE (Singapore)

    Singapore 2006 - 2006 Engineering

    Mechanical & Aerospace
  • Ecole Centrale Marseille (Marseille)

    Marseille 2004 - 2007 Engineering
  • Lycée Jules Ferry

    Versailles 2003 - 2004 PSI
  • Lycée Hoche

    Versailles 2002 - 2003 PCSI


Annuaire des membres :