


En résumé

Ingénieur métallurgie/soudage de formation, j'ai évolué au cours de ma carrière à des postes de gestion de sous-traitance et de management de projet. Mes 12 années d'expérience dans l'Industrie Pétrolière m'ont permis d'acquérir des compétences dans toutes les disciplines techniques (Structure, piping, Electrique/Instrumentation, ICSS) que je peux exercer à travers toutes les phases de projet industriel d'envergure Engineering, Construction, Commissioning, Start-up.

Fort d'une expérience international robuste, je suis mobile sur le monde entier (en famille)
Je parle couramment anglais, Bahasa Indonesia et j'ai des notions d'allemand et d'espagnol.

Mes compétences :
Offshore Oil & Gas
Quality Control
Pressure Vessel
NDT planning development
Development of Inspection and Test Plan
manage an organization
Technical assistance
Slug Catchers
Responsible for all technical aspects
Quality Assurance
Primavera P6
Nondestructive Testing
Material selection
Fabrication supervision
Adequate scheduling


  • Total - Deputy Offshore Manager

    COURBEVOIE 2015 - maintenant Responsable offshore des activités engineering/construction/commissioning du debottlenecking du FPU Alima (MOHO Phase 1 Bis).
    Planification et séquencement des travaux d'intégration en interface avec les opérations et la maintenance (phasage SIMOPS/Arrêt Production), avec les autres packages UFR (Umbilical Flowline Riser) et SPS (Subsea Production System). Suivi de construction, commissioning et start-up.
  • Total - Construction manager

    COURBEVOIE 2013 - 2015 Responsable du contrat de sous-traitance (12 millions d'euros) Eiffage pour la construction de deux nouveaux modules manifold et séparateur pour la nouvelle boucle de production du FPU Alima (MOHO Phasa 1 Bis).
  • Total - Company Site Representative

    COURBEVOIE 2012 - 2013 Gaz Plant, Laggan Tormore Project, ABJ Yard in Kuwait.
    Manage and target project resources towards the safe execution of yard activities (Pipe rack and modules fabrication, assembly and in time delivery) in full compliance with the project quality plan.

    * Organizing CPY yard team: HSE, Piping/Structure, QAQC Superintendents and supervisors ;
    * Managing logistic (travel and immigration, accommodation and catering, transportation)
    * Managing Contractor and Sub-contractor relations with regards to the contract
    * Managing safety at yard and emergency situations (risk assessment development and mitigation, Medevac procedures, safety walkthrough, HSE team leadership)
    * Planning and progress follow-up ;
    * Managing compliance with GS specification and Company Rules (TQ, Derogation withTDO/TEC) ;
    * Review/approval of construction documentation ;
    * Reporting to hierarchy
  • Total - QAQC Superintendent

    COURBEVOIE 2012 - 2012 Gaz Plant, Laggan Tormore Project, ABJ Yard in Kuwait.
    Managing QAQC activities related to structural and piping prefabrication and assembly.

    * Organizing QAQC team: NDT, welding, material, coating (painting, PFP, TSA) supervisors ;
    * Review of engineering and construction documentation ;
    * Welding program (PQR/WPQT) development and weld maps review ;
    * NDT planning development
    * Precom activities follow-up ;
    * Reviewing quality documentation (ITP, quality plan, procedure, welding procedure and welding plan, NDE map) ;
    * Treatment of technical queries and non-conformities
  • PTT Exploration & Production Public Co Ltd - QAQC Engineer

    2011 - 2012 ) for offshore PPS/QPS Bongkot 4A Central Facilities Development Project in Thailand.
    Managing QAQC activities related to structural and piping hook-up activities and pipeline riser tie-in.

    * Review of engineering documentation
    * NDT planning development ;
    * Supervision of welding activities ;
    * Supervision of painting, insulation and coating (PFP, EPDM, FIRESTOP) activities for structural, piping and pipeline disciplines
    * Reviewing quality documentation (quality plan, procedure, welding procedure and welding plan, NDE map)
    * Reviewing/witnessing NDT ;
    * Treatment of technical queries and non-conformities ;
    * Emergency response team
  • PTT Exploration & Production Public Co Ltd - QAQC Superintendent

    2009 - 2011 (PTT Exploration & Production Public Co Ltd) for QPS Bongkot 4A Central Facilities Development Project in PT Gunanusa yard (Oil and Gas platform constructor), Cilegon, Indonesia.
    Managing structural, piping and architectural pre-fabrication and erection in yard of Bongkot 4A Central Facilities living quarter (QPS):

    * Review of engineering documentation ;
    * Audit of NDT subcontractors, mechanical lab as well as painting and rolling subcontactors ;
    * Supervision of procurement, planning, quality control ;
    * Supervising fabrication and painting activity for structural, piping and architectural disciplines
    * Reviewing quality documentation (quality plan, procedure, welding procedure and welding plan, NDE map)
    * Reviewing/witnessing NDT, mechanical tests ;
    * Treatment of technical queries and non-conformities
  • Total - Piping superintendent

    COURBEVOIE 2009 - 2009 for site activity of PECIKO 6 Project in Senipah Terminal for Gas and Liquid processing (TOTAL E&P INDONESIA).Contractor PT Gunanusa. Senipah, Borneo, Indonesia.
    Managing piping erection and precommissioning on PECIKO 6 LP compression plant site:

    * Assessment of piping priorities with commissioning team ;
    * Establishment of working plan and work permit ;
    * Establishment of Lifting Above Life Line dossier with Production team
    * Review of piping test packs as per priorities (NDT clearance, line check, punch lists)
    * Precom: Hydrotest, gross leak test, reinstatement ;
    * Handover to commissioning
    * Progress follow-up
  • PTTEP - QAQC Engineer

    2009 - 2011 Offshore campaign:

    QAQC Engineer for QPS Bongkot 4A Central Facilities Development Project in PT Gunanusa yard (Oil and Gas platform constructor), Bongkot field, Thailand.

    Managing installation (Heerema) and hook-up activities of both QPS (PT Gunanusa) and PPS (HHI) of Bongkot 4A Central Facilities platforms:

    - Lead welding and NDE on piling activity
    - Lead welding and NDE on jackets installation
    - Lead welding and NDE on platforms installation
    - Supervising structural, piping and architectural hook-up activities for living quarter and process platforms as well as precommissioning.
    - Reviewing quality documentation (IRN, precom dossier)
    - Reviewing/witnessing NDT
    - Treatment of technical queries and non-conformities

    Onshore campaign:

    QAQC Superintendent (PTT Exploration & Production Public Co Ltd) for QPS Bongkot 4A Central Facilities Development Project in PT Gunanusa yard (Oil and Gas platform constructor), Cilegon, Indonesia.

    Managing structural, piping and architectural pre-fabrication and erection in yard of Bongkot 4A Central Facilities living quarter (QPS):

    - Review of engineering documentation
    - Audit of NDT subcontractors, mechanical lab as well as painting and rolling subcontactors
    - Supervision of procurement, planning, quality control
    - Supervising fabrication and painting activity for structural, piping and architectural disciplines
    - Reviewing quality documentation (quality plan, procedure, welding procedure and welding plan, NDE map)
    - Reviewing/witnessing NDT, mechanical tests
    - Treatment of technical queries and non-conformities
  • TOTAL E&P Indonesia - Piping superintendent

    COURBEVOIE 2009 - 2009 April 2009 to september 2009:

    Piping superintendent for site activity of PECIKO 6 Project in Senipah Terminal for Gas and Liquid processing (TOTAL E&P INDONESIA).Contractor PT Gunanusa. Senipah, Borneo, Indonesia.

    Managing piping erection and precommissioning on PECIKO 6 LP compression plant site:

    - Assessment of piping priorities with commissioning team
    - Establishment of working plan and work permit
    - Establishment of Lifting Above Life Line dossier with Production team
    - Review of piping test packs as per priorities (NDT clearance, line check, punch lists)
    - Precom: Hydrotest, gross leak test, reinstatement
    - Handover to commissioning
    - Progress follow-up
  • TOTAL E&P INDONESIA - QAQC/Company Representative

    2008 - 2009 (TOTAL E&P INDONESIA) for yard activity of PECIKO 6 Project in PT Gunanusa yard (Oil and Gas platform constructor, Cilegon, Indonesia.
    Managing structural and piping pre-fabrication in yard of PECIKO 6 LP compression plant:

    * Supervision of fabrication of 5 pressure vessels (receivers and KO drums).
    * Supervision of procurement, planning, quality control, transportation and safety issues
    * Supervising fabrication of structural and piping disciplines
    * Reviewing documentation ;
    * Reviewing/witnessing NDT, mechanical tests ;
    * Implementation of safety plan ;
    * Treatment of technical queries and non-conformities
  • TOTAL E&P Indonesie - QAQC manager

    COURBEVOIE 2008 - 2009 QAQC/Company Representative (TOTAL E&P INDONESIA) for yard activity of PECIKO 6 Project in PT Gunanusa yard (Oil and Gas platform constructor, Cilegon, Indonesia.

    Managing structural and piping pre-fabrication in yard of PECIKO 6 LP compression plant:

    - Supervision of fabrication of 5 pressure vessels (receivers and KO drums).
    - Supervision of procurement, planning, quality control, transportation and safety issues
    - Supervising fabrication of structural and piping disciplines
    - Reviewing documentation
    - Reviewing/witnessing NDT, mechanical tests
    - Implementation of safety plan
    - Treatment of technical queries and non-conformities
  • TOTAL E&P INDONESIA - QAQC/Company Representative

    2007 - 2008 (TOTAL E&P INDONESIA) in Puspetindo yard (Pressure vessel manufacturer Surabaya, Indonesia. TUNU 11 Project.
    Managing the fabrication of 4 slug catchers and 4 scrubbers for the TP11 North and South processing units:

    * Supervision of procurement, planning, fabrication, quality control, transportation and safety issues
    * Review design documentation (GA drawings, calculation notes)
    * Issuing welding books, ITP and fabrciation sequence diagram
    * Sub-contractors and suppliers review and acceptance ;
    * Supervising fabrication ;
    * Reviewing fabrication documentation ;
    * Issuing fabrication schedule and planning ;
    * Reviewing/witnessing NDT, mechanical tests ;
    * Implementation of safety plan ;
    * Treatment of technical queries and non-conformities
  • TOTAL E&P INDONESIA - QC superintendent

    2007 - 2007 on TUNU 10 project for yard and site activities (TOTAL E&P INDONESIA). Contractor KRS. Borneo, Indonesia.
    Managing structural, piping pre-fabrication and erection of TUNU Phase 10:

    * Establishing a quality system in KRS yard (sub-contractor) for the fabrication of 4 GTS and associated wellhead. ;
    * Development of welding books: procedure to be qualified, mechanical test to be performed ;
    * Development of Inspection and Test Plan
    * Reviewing NDT and Fabrication procedure ;
    * Reviewing/witnessing NDT, witnessing mechanical tests ;
    * Treatment of Technical queries and non-conformities
  • Ortec - Welding Engineer

    Aix-en-Provence 2007 - 2007 * Development of Welding Books for Well Jumpers of Moho Bilondo Project (TOTAL) (Duplex, Superduplex, Inconel)
    * Welding technical assistance for for other ORTEC/FRIEDLANDER projects
  • Total - Welding Engineer

    Managing the replacement of damaged duplex and superduplex gas lines:

    * Development of duplex and superduplex welding books: procedure to be qualified, mechanical test to be performed
    * Development of Inspection and Test Plan ;
    * Conducting welder performance qualification testing ;
    * Monitoring all welding activities ;
    * Managing piping pre-fabrication and erection ;
    * Development and NDE plan and review of the NDT ;
    * Conduction of hydrotest and reivew of precom dossier ;
    * Review of vendor final documentation
  • TOTAL E&P Indonesie - QAQC manager

    COURBEVOIE 2007 - 2008 QAQC/Company Representative (TOTAL E&P INDONESIA) in Puspetindo yard (Pressure vessel manufacturer Surabaya, Indonesia. TUNU 11 Project.

    Managing the fabrication of 4 slug catchers and 4 scrubbers for the TP11 North and South processing units:

    - Supervision of procurement, planning, fabrication, quality control, transportation and safety issues
    - Review design documentation (GA drawings, calculation notes)
    - Issuing welding books, ITP and fabrciation sequence diagram
    - Sub-contractors and suppliers review and acceptance
    - Supervising fabrication
    - Reviewing fabrication documentation
    - Issuing fabrication schedule and planning
    - Reviewing/witnessing NDT, mechanical tests
    - Implementation of safety plan
    - Treatment of technical queries and non-conformities
  • Alstöm - Welding Engineer

    2006 - 2006 * Assessment of the capacity of the contractor (INCO) to manufacture the boilers in accordance with the quality requirements of Alstöm.
    * Providing recommendations for welding and fabrication (bending and expanding of tubes)
    * Monitoring welding activities ;
    * Review of NDT and mechanical tests
  • Total - Welding Engineer

    COURBEVOIE 2006 - 2006 * Development of welding book (duplex, superduplex, inconel), ITP, welding map and NDE plan ;
    * Conduction of WPQT campaign ;
    * Technical assistance: providing conclusions and recommendations on welding and metallurgical issues ;
    * Fabrication supervision ;
    * Review NDT
  • Total - Pressure vessel quality control inspector

    COURBEVOIE 2005 - 2006
  • Total - Technical assistant

    COURBEVOIE 2004 - 2005 the TOTAL pressure vessel specialist (Technical direction, CERT)
    * Review of the vendors documentation (drawings, calculation notes, welding book, inspection plan): according to the TOTAL pressure vessels specifications (general, welding, insulation and painting), to the construction codes (ASME VIII Div 1 & Div 2, CODAP), to the applicable standards (API 660, API661, TEMA R) and to the state of the art.
    * Development of an Excel application to assess the heater tubes life based on the API Standard 530.
    * Assessment of pressure vessel weight for the pre-project department (Thickness assessment according to the applicable Codes).
    * Review of the engineering requisitions and evaluation of the manufacturer's technical offers.
    * Development of an Excel application to evaluate the hydrogen concentration between the clad and the base material in hydro cracking reactors. Hydrogen degradation of ferrous alloys.
    * Involved in the revision of R&M TOTAL pressure vessels specifications.
  • Exxon - Quality control inspector in the refinery

    2004 - 2004 * Refinery overall turnaround 2004: Supervising inspection and reparation works of the vacuum distillation heaters.
  • IS Services - Quality control inspector

    2004 - 2004 for IS Services (Douai agency) in a tube manufacturer in
    * Gaz de France pipe line order: Mechanical tests and hydro-test witness under the delegation of DRIRE.
  • IS Services - Quality control inspector

    2003 - 2004 the IS Services agency of Dunkerque for the Flandres Refinery (TOTAL)
    * Preparation of the refinery turnaround 2004: Interpretation of NDT (Radiography and UT), and development of the inspection plan.
  • Novartis - Corrosion specialist

    RUEIL MALMAISON 2003 - 2003 Ciba Specialty Chemicals (Bradford England): Corrosion specialist
    RBI assessment:

    * Development of a chemical material resistance guide based on the media/materials compatibility ;
    * Material selection, corrosion assessment, pressure vessel inspection.
  • IS Industrie - Welding engineer

    2003 - 2013



Annuaire des membres :