Diplômée en Marketing et Publicité (Business School anglaise).
Trilingue. Expérience des contextes internationaux. Community manager.
Recherche un poste en tant que community management / chargé de marketing communication.
Mes atouts : Anglais bilingue. Italien courant. Expérience des réseaux sociaux. Excellent relationnel. Dynamique, polyvalente, attentive aux détails, ouverte d'esprit, créative. Qualités rédactionnelles.
Je m'épanouis dans un environnement multiculturel et suis ouverte aux opportunités à l'international. Passionnée de culture japonaise, de musique classique, de jeux vidéo et de cuisine.
Advertising & Marketing graduate. French / Italian / English speaker. International working environment.
Looking for a challenging opportunity within an international company as PR, marketing or communication assistant.
Skills : languages (French, Italian, English), Microsoft Pack Office. Social media enthusiast. Organisational skills. Community manager experience. Creativity.
I love : Social media, Japanese culture, reading and writing, classical music and being part of an orchestra, cooking, travelling and video games.
My dream job ? Party planner. Or working as a marketing, PR or communication professional, for a digital, event specialised, cultural oriented, creative or in-game advertising company, within a multicultural team, where I could put my French, Italian and English skills to good use.
Outgoing and enthusiastic personality who loves to share and help others.
Mes compétences :
Community manager
Jeux vidéo
Community management
Relations publiques
Online Advertising