


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Site supervision
Process engineering
Electrical engineering
Mechanical engineering
Contract management
Civil engineering
Project Management
Planning & Scheduling


  • Veolia Water Technologies, HPD Chicago, USA - Interface Manager

    2014 - maintenant • Project type and range: Design & Build ≥ 400 million euros
    • Project lifecycle: 2 to 3 years on-shore
    • Software used: 3D model PDMS & 2D AutoCAD / Primavera

    Objective: Rigorous management of interfaces leads to seamless design development.

    Client: SHELL
    Alberta Carmon Creek Peace River, Canada

    Distillate production feeding a boiler inside oil sands production complex.
     Status: Award in November 2013 / Termination following 60% model review in November 2015 due to record low on price of barrel (<43 USD).
     Distillate 1.160 m3/h // Multiple process technologies used de-oiling skim tank/IGF/ORF, softening WLS, thickeners, after filter, ion exchange resin, evaporation & blowdown, filter press dewatering, chemical tanks and silos.

     Technical focal point for physical interfaces with N-user in a multi-disciplinary approach (plot plan, civil, drainage, building, piping, utilities, handling, 3D model).
     Contract management: analysis of the technical scope. Draw Limit of scope matrix.
     Schedule: help establish the logical links for the structure of the schedule.

    References: Pierre Chevreuil/Joe Rehbein (Veolia)/Gabriel Proulx (SHELL).
  • VEOLIA WATER TECHNOLOGIES STI, PARIS - Commissioning engineer

    2012 - 2013 End of construction, mechanical completion walk down, punch list closure, pre-commissioning tests, cold and hot commissioning for Demineralization Plant.

    Reference : Hussam Marzouk
  • VEOLIA WATER TECHNOLOGIES STI, PARIS - Project Engineering Manager

    2011 - 2014 • Project type and range: Design & Build ≤ 20 million euros
    • Project lifecycle: 1 to 2 years on-shore
    • Software used: 2D AutoCAD, MS Project

    Objective: Monitor a project at the engineering level from end of bidding stage to handover to client.
    Skills: Technical leadership and management of small engineering team (5-7 persons).

    Client: Ingenica
    N-user: Borealis
    Grand Puits Nangis
    Demineralization unit in SEVESO 2 fertilizers plant (ammonia, citric acid, urea).
     Status: awarded on July 2013 / delivery November 2014.
     3.5 million euros / {4 bars – 2x220 m3/h throughput}.

    Client: Bechtel
    N-user: EastDelta Electricity
    EL AIN –Egypt
    Demineralization Make up and Condensate Polishers in thermal power plant 2x650 MW.
     Status: awarded on Nov 2010 / delivery 2 phases Jun 2014/ running Aug 2015.
     16 million euros / {7 bars - 50 m3/h} for Demin Make up & {38 bars - 1500 m3/h} for 2x50% units of condensate polisher with external regeneration.

    References: Aly Check/Benoit Perreau (Veolia).

    2007 - 2011 • Project type and range: Design & Build ≤ 10 million euros
    • Project lifecycle: 1 year
    • Software used: 3D model PDMS & 2D AutoCAD / MS project

    Monitor a project compliant from end of bidding stage to handover to client.
     Contract management and client focal point.
     Schedule and Budget: reporting and forecast on a monthly basis.
     Manpower management: drafters(x2), 3 engineers.
     Site supervision and preparation of final documentation.
     Assistance with commissioning of units as necessary.


    Client: Hyundai
    Heavy Industries Korea
    N-user: TOTAL-Nigeria
    3 coarse filters and 8 fine filter packages on board ULSAN FPSO (Floating Production Storage & Offloading).
    5 million euros /Coarse filter 2540 m3/h // Fine filter : 1962 m3/h.

    Client:SBM Netherlands
    N-user: ENCANA (Deep Panuke) - Canada
    3 hydro cyclone packages for water/oil separation on Mobile Offshore Platform Unit.
    1.2 million euros / 500 m3/h throughput.


    Client: CB&I Lummus &
    Toyo Engineering
    N-user: Shell Singapore
    Demineralization and polishing unit upstream a boiler and Induced Air Floatation (IAF) Unit for de-oiling on Ethylene Cracker Complex.
    5.25 million euros / 650 m3/h throughput for polishing unit // 50 m3/h throughput for IAF.

    Client: Air Liquide
    2 Demineralization units for H2 production using Steam Methane Reforming (SMR).
    2.8 million euros / 130 m3/h throughput.

    References: HS Mann/ Chong King Kwa (Veolia).

  • IESE Nanyang Technological University, Singapore - Associate scientist

    2005 - 2007 Produce an effluent meeting requirement to feed NeWater plant from secondary clarifier.
     Build R&D pilot: Combined UASB bioreactor with membrane technology.
     Teamwork (1 PhD, 4 undergraduate students).
     Daily monitoring of pilot through analytical work (biogas, TSS, COD, NH3).
     Budget:100 000 euros



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