
Benjamin LIBERGE


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Airbus A400 Aircraft
Airbus A380 Aircraft
Airbus A320 Aircraft
Air Conditioning
Tool design
salary negotiation
budget management
System Design
Sheet metal
Mechanical Installation
Mechanical Design
Flight Tests
Enovia PLM


  • Euro engineering - MAP pylon

    Puteaux 2015 - maintenant
  • Akka Technologies - Business Manager

    Paris 2015 - 2015
  • AKKA Group North America Inc. - Business Manager

    2014 - 2015 * Find new customer to deal with ;
    * Management of collaborators (Recruitment, salary negotiation, ...)
    * New contract negotiation (business case raising, rate negotiation)
    * Project Estimation, resources organization. ;
    * Support for Bombardier account with interaction with different Akka Agencies.

    * Re-opening of MDA Account
    * Obtain design project of several people.
    * Maintain of specific and difficult accounts.
  • AKKA Group North America Inc. - Tooling designer

    2013 - 2014 Project name: Satellite testing and shipping tooling
    * Create tooling set composed of: Shipping tooling, test plates, shipping plates, manutention tooling, etc. ;
    * Create technical solutions.
    * Validation of technical solutions ;
    * Design and check of 3D models (NX 7.5)
    * Design and check of drawings.
    * Studies were done with the software NX7.5.
    * All tooling accessories were delivered in time.
  • AKKA North America Inc. - Design Lead

    2012 - 2013 Project name: Avionic Capsule, Global 7000/8000
    * Manage team of 7 People
    * Improve technical solutions.
    * Monitoring technical progress ;
    * Validation of technical solutions ;
    * Design and check of 3D models (Catia V5)
    * Design and check of drawings and MDB.
    * Implementation of follow-up documents

    * Complete delivery of Hydraulic Bay package. ;
    * The technical field is under control and all documents have been sent to Manufacturing.

    Technical environment:

    * The aim of this project was to modernize global 5000/6000 V4 Avionic Capsule.
    * This Structural project goes from pressure bulkhead to radome bulkhead and contains all structure and system brackets.
    * Design lead of Hydraulic Bay Package. ;
    * Inputs are made up of V4 3D models, Global 5000/6000 drawing set and Bombardier ICDs and skeletons.Studies were done with the software Catia V5, I was leading a customer team.

    Project name: FTB Pylon, A320 NEO for Pratt & Withney
    * Improve technical solutions.
    * Monitoring technical progress ;
    * Validation of technical solutions ;
    * Design of 3D models (Catia V5)
    * Design of drawings ;
    * Implementation of follow-up documents
    * Studies were done with the software Catia V5.
    * Pylon was delivered with success, within a shortened schedule.

    Technical environment:

    * The aim of this project was to design FTB Pylon for P&W to test and certify the new A320 Neo Engine. ;
    * L3 was responsible of structure and systems design. ;
    * Inputs are made up of 3D models and PWC Requirements. ;
    * Involved in sheet metal, composite panels and machined structural parts design.
  • Akka Technologies - Aerospace design specialist

    Paris 2011 - 2012 Project name: Flight Test Installation, A320 Sharklet family
    * Follow-up of design studies ;
    * Monitoring technical progress
    * Checker of outputs ;
    * Validation of technical solutions ;
    * Design of 3D models (Catia V5)
    * Design of drawings ;
    * Implementation of follow-up documents ;
    * Improvement of process, check lists, manual ;
    * Studies were done with the software Catia V5 but all environments were recovered with Cadds 5, Dvise and Gilda.

    * All drawing set for 6 A320 are released ;
    * The technical field is entirely under control and the customer gives us a total liberty on this project.

    Technical environment:
    * The aim of this project is the installation of measurements with associated acquisitions on the A320 sharklet family (A318, A319, A320 and A321) for flight test.
    * This installation is mainly located in the nose area, landing gear box, pylons and cabin.
    * It is made up of electrical racks, sensors, engineer station, electrical plate, camera...
    * Responsible for design of the mechanical installations as well as of the electrical routings.
    * Outputs is made up of 3D models, drawing set, electrical Graph 2D, schedule, breakdown structure...

    Project name: Flight Test Installation, A400M
    * Checker of outputs ;
    * Design of 3D models (Catia V5)
    * Design of drawings ;
    * Implementation of follow-up documents ;
    * Improvement of process, check lists, manual ;
    * Studies were done with the software Catia V5, Primes and Primes System View.

    * The 4 aircrafts are currently flying with our installations.

    Technical environment:
    * The aim of this project is the installation of measurements with associated acquisitions on the A400M aircraft.
    * This installation is mainly located in the nose area, landing gear box and cargo.
    * It is made up of electrical racks, temperature and pressure sensors, engineer station, electrical plate, camera...
    * Responsible for design of the mechanical installations as well as of the electrical routings.
    * Outputs is made up of 3D models and drawing set.
  • CT Ingenieros - Aerospace designer

    Getafe 2008 - 2011 Customer: Airbus

    Project name: MAP Flight Test, A400M (Toulouse, France)
    * New parts design, existing solutions modifications and repairs for structural or mechanical damages. ;
    * New installation definition for flight test materials. ;
    * Modifications in order to remove existing flight limitations on aircraft.

    * Correct advancement of certification flights

    Technical environment:
    * Work in various domains (Structural, Mechanical and Electrical Installations)
    * Work under pressure as sometimes, the solution need to be design and validated in less than 3 hours.

    Project name: MAP Flight Test (MRB), A400M (Sévilla, Spain)
    Nose fuselage mechanical system installation and ATA 21 Focal-Point for Airbus Germany:
    * New parts design, existing solutions modifications and new definition or solution proposals for integration by Design Office.
    * Technical solutions and answer for Q-meldungs, HNC, DQN and Concessions.
    * Link between various design offices and production.

    All fuselage, Electrical systems installation:
    * Existing routings analysis, updates and solutions proposals. ;
    * Management and answers to HNC, DQN and Concession ;
    * Search of problem reasons through drawing, 3D model and real component.

    * Correct advancement of Aircraft production ;
    * Respect of Quality Chart, Correct flight with our installations
    * Respect of answering delays, complying with aircraft production needs
  • Composite Industrie - Composite designer

    BONDOUFLE 2008 - 2008 Project name: A380 (ATA 21) :
    * Drawings on CADDS 5
    * Bill of materials management in Gilda ;
    * Design of Air conditioning composite ducts on Catia V5 and CADDS 5



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