CICR (Comité International de la Croix Rouge)
- Chef de Secteur Logistique, Asie
2015 - maintenant
Genève, Suisse
CICR (Comité International de la Croix Rouge)
- Logisticien Senior
2014 - 2015
Kandahar, Afghanistan
CICR (Comité International de la Croix Rouge)
- Délégué Logistique
2013 - 2014
RD Congo, Bukavu
CICR (Comité International de la Croix Rouge)
- Délégué Logistique
2012 - 2012
Yemen, Sadaa.
Oxfam GB
- Logistics manager
2011 - 2011
Based in Mbandaka Equator, RD Congo.
Activities : Cholera emergency response, Water sanitation, education, school building.
Première Urgence
- Logistics Coordinator
2010 - 2011
10/2010 – 03/2011: Logistics Coordinator, Première Urgence (http://premiere-urgence.org/index.php?lang=english) - Pakistan Sindh, Larkana
Mission Activity: Water and Sanitation, Rehabilitation, Hygiene promotion, Camp management for Premiere Urgence NGO, Nutrition, Mobile Clinics for NGO Aide Medical International. In response to the recent floods in Pakistan, activity started in October 2010.
Donors: USAID, United Nations and French Ministries. Global budget of 4 million dollars other 9 month, 170 staffs.
-Managed the opening of the mission on logistics aspects, gathering information on the country rules and regulations, setting up of the premises, IT and communication equipments and policies.
-As security referent, writing of the security rules and plan in collaboration with the Head of mission, implementation and follow of security procedures, collection and analyse of security related information and spreading among colleagues.
-In collaboration with other coordinators, planning and forecast of activities implementation on its different aspects and requirements.
-Logistics support for mission activities, procurement, storing, transportation, infrastructures and equipments maintenance and fleet management of 30 vehicles.
-Recruitment, training and management of a logistics team of 8 logistics staff and 16 Watchmen.
-Achievements: transport, storing and dispatch of 3000 tents and 10000 NFI kits from UNHCR ; procurement through international open tender of 20000 Hygiene kits for a million dollar total value.
Triangle generation Humanitaire
- Coordinateur logistique
2009 - 2010
Mission activities: food security; Water and sanitation; assistance to refugees and displaced people, in West Darfur.
Funding: European Union, United Nations and French Ministries. Annual budget, 3.6 million of dollars.
Flying position based at first in Nyala (Darfur), then in Khartoum due to threats of kidnapping of foreigners.
- Procurement: purchasing, transportation, stocks management and distribution abiding by organisation and donors rules.
- Responsible of mission purchase plan and of the budget for support costs.
- Management of logistics activities and training of teams in the field at first and through distant management afterwards.
- Equipments and infrastructures, relevance, maintenance and reliability in particular for those linked to security on the mission.
- Capitalisation of information regarding logistics activities and reporting on assets status, inventories, distribution activities, training and activity planning.
Croix Rouge Française
- , Logistics/purchasing assistant for international missions
2008 - 2008
- Purchasing and sending of goods for international “emergency” or “development” missions and for emergency stocks warehouses in France and abroad.
Goods mainly bought: water and sanitation, nutrition, first-aid, Telecom radio and satellite, Computing.
- Logistics activities follow up of international missions, study and validation of purchase procedures, check of missions monthly logistics report.
Ateliers du soleil
- Associé Freelance
2007 - 2007
Création d’une structure commerciale de distribution de produits artisanaux et d’épices de Madagascar, aux bénéfices de formations à l'artisanat pour jeunes filles des rues.
Deux mois à Madagascar : démarchage des producteurs d’épices, organisation de la logistique, choix du transitaire. Un premier container d’artisanat expédié.
Quatre mois à, Lyon : recherche de clients, d’un entrepôt provisoire, puis livraison des premières marchandises et ventes sur les marchés Lyonnais.
Nestle India Ltd
- Junior project manager en Supply Chain
Marne La Vallée Cedex 2
2006 - 2006
Élaboration d'une nouvelle stratégie logistique, négociation des conditions logistiques de ventes comprenant du CMI (gestion de l’inventaire en collaboration) pour la grande distribution alors naissante en Inde.
Développement de KPI (indicateurs clés de performance) spécifiques pour la grande distribution.
- Co-responsable d'une étude de faisabilité.
2005 - 2005
Études de marché et d’implantation pour des produits (épices, vanille) labellisés « Commerce Équitable » de Madagascar pour ManaoDE – Lyon, Rhône-Alpes/Madagascar.
Junior solidaire 3A
- Responsable des systèmes d'Informations
2005 - 2007
La Junior Solidaire 3A crée en 2005, aide à la création de la structure puis,
Appui sur les différents aspects de l'informatique, hardware et software, aide pour l’infographie, élaboration de la plaquette et de base de données Access et Excel.