


En résumé

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@Neopost since July 2012, managing lead generation for a Direct Sales European Program

My background in a few lines:
- Experience abroad (Ireland), international environment, in jobs of Telemarketing & Telesales in diverse IT related companies
- Moved to France to work in Field Sales (IBM), then to different Marketing roles, mainly Digital marketing & lead generation.

Now leading and dealing with 12 European countries (with some test in APAC) to develop Inbound Marketing:
- Management of suppliers (20 across Europe), performance driven
- Campaign planning & management (SEA, emailing, ...)
- Coordination with local sales & marketing teams in Europe
- Prospecting for new suppliers

Objectives of volume & transformation into sales (achieved so far...)

My main hobby - also a job: history & guiding in Paris for tour operators & private visitors

Guide with:

and also content creator for: http://www.urbangaming.com/fr/

Not looking for a career move at the present day, but I keep my ears open (including in tourism :-),

Join me also on Twitter! https://twitter.com/benoit_bossuet

Mes compétences :
Digital marketing
Social media
Analyse de données
Traduction anglais français
Microsoft PowerPoint


  • Temando - Market Manager

    2016 - maintenant Temando est une solution répondant au challange principal actuel des ecommerçants: la livraison

    - Solution de préparation de vos expéditions multi-transporteurs:
    - Pilotez et gérez très simplement l’ensemble de vos expéditions de colis
    - Tous vos transporteurs intégrés dans une plateforme logicielle unique
    - Utiliser les frais et options de livraison comme réel levier marketing
    - Proposez une expérience de livraison unique à vos clients
    - Automatisez le processus complet d’expédition depuis votre site marchand jusqu’à l’arrivée du colis

  • Neopost - Lead Generation Manager - Europe

    Bagneux 2012 - maintenant Responsible of Lead Generation for part of Neopost low-end business in Europe:

    My team:
    In charge of developing Direct Sales (international) through retaining customers, acquiring new ones, competitive approach

    My objectives
    - Insure lead generation volume & quality for the business: volume & quality

    My role & responsibilities:
    - Recruitment & management of performance driven lead generation agencies, in 12 countries
    - Coaching & optimization of agencies & campaigns, based on detailed reporting
    - Campaign management: PULL (SEA, SEO, Market Places), & PUSH (emailing / fax mailing)
    - Set & adjust yearly & monthly objectives per country
    - Follow-up & optimize weekly
    - Share & Implement best practices
    - Design & content creation/recommendation for best efficiency of campaigns
    - Scope of 12 countries, with or without dedicated local team: France, UK, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Netherland, Italy, Switzerland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Japan & other APAC countries

    My achievements:
    2013: 110% of lead volume objective, 103% of sales objective
    2014: 100% YTD (July) both volume & sales

    Also involved in training & education of Telesales, education to our teams in new markets, brainstorming & search on new lead sources or strategies,

    Curious about all new business & marketing trends. Netvibes & Twitter active user, fan of advertising.

    Join me!
  • IBM - Developers & Startup relations Manager

    Bois-Colombes 2012 - 2012 In charge of developing relations with Startups & Software development companies
    - startups, schools, business angels, venture capitalists networking, sponsoring & recruting activities
  • IBM - Digital Market Manager - IBM Software

    Bois-Colombes 2010 - 2011 Responsible of developing Digital marketing activities for IBM Software.
    Content lead generation
    Social Media

    Objective: have program manager to spend 20% of their resources in Digital marketing.

    Projects & outcomes:
    - Virtual events platform : 2000 visitors in 2 months, 120% of lead generation objective reached
    - Active listening on social networks. Test
    - E-nurturing : emailing & contact strategy through content marketing: 105% of pipeline generation objective
    - Responsible of Telesales coordination with Marketing (team of 5): campaign management, forecasting, brief & scripts, follow-up & animation
  • IBM - Marketing Leadership Developement Professional

    Bois-Colombes 2007 - 2009 • Marketing & LeaderShip Development Program – 24 months, WW teaming
    • Training in consulting, finances, marketing strategies, project management
    • Real case project: Analysis & consulting on the current measurement system used to study impact of UK advertisement in the market
  • IBM - Program Manager - Marketing Lead generation

    Bois-Colombes 2006 - 2010 Marketing project manager for one of the major IBM Software offerings (Infrastucture Management)
    - Marketing plan designer
    - Optimisation of ROI
    - Event & campaign management
    - Worldwide (transversal management) & local (sales, marketing, web team, advertisement team) coordination

    - 105% of objective in average
    - Kickoff of major partnership in Infrastructure Management
    - Named "IBM Top-talent" in 2008
    - Certification : « Marketing Leadership Developement Program »: WW Team consulting project, 2 years. Case: "Analyse pros & cons of the current IBM Advertising measurement system in UK"- - Several activities named IBM WW best practice, including the Virtual Events Platform (2009)
  • IBM - Software Sales Specialist

    Bois-Colombes 2003 - 2006 - SMB Market, France
    - Field Sales Specialist, IBM Software
    - Management of client portfolio, with quarterly target
    - Identification of business/IT needs, to recommend our solutions
    - Networking with Business Partners, Telesales & Marketing
    - Teaming with technical sales

    - Signings: from 80% to 122% of target: closing or urgent & major deals
    - Licenced of IBM Sales School
  • IBM.com - Sales representative

    Bois-Colombes 2000 - 2003 - SMB Market, IBM Software
    - Management of client portfolio , to identify & qualify customer needs
    - Relation with Business Partners (resellers, integrators, ...)
    - Cold calling

    - Named best contributor to business in 2001 (140%)
    - Certifications in software, hardware & personnel developement
  • ZD Market Intelligence, Groupe Ziff-Davis - Irlande - Telemarketing Agent

    1999 - 2000 Teleactor, in charge of auditing companies on their existing IT assets



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