


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Gestion de projet
Étude de faisabilité de projets
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Project
Étude d'impact
Gestion de la relation client
Etude technique
Microsoft PowerPoint
Mobilité internationale
Esprit d'équipe
Communication culturelle
Matériaux composites
Mobilité nationale
Traduction anglais français
Gestion des ressources humaines
Microsoft Visio


  • Sonovision Group - Technical Support Manager for AIRBUS CENTRAL ENTITY (Aircraft major repair) and group team leader

    Aix-en-Provence 2015 - maintenant • Assist an airline after a major incident to ensure the repair of the Aircraft
    - Management of all the repair phases (from the assessment to the repair release of the aircraft): Technical documentation, logistic management, planning definition, team composition, ...
    - On-site assistance as Working Party Representative role
    - On-site assistance for Major Repair Incident
    - On-site assistance for MRO advisory
    - Legal paperwork management

    • Perform all the tasks done by a technical support engineer

    • Group leader of the SONOVISION team for the airbus major repair department (SEOT1 and SEOT4)
  • Sonovision Group - Technical support engineer for AIRBUS CENTRAL ENTITY (Aircraft major repair)

    2013 - 2014 • Assist and support the Airbus Major Repair Department
    - Support airlines in term of Inspection Program, Repair Instruction (with Design Offices support)
    - Parts and regulatory authorities documents with EASA
    - Manage repair deviation during repair embodiment
    - On-site assistance for Major Repair Incident
    - On-site assistance for MRO advisory

    • Development and update of “Pre-Defined Solution”
    - Capture the return of experience and the repair embodiment feedback
    - Creation of inspection program, airframe, consumables and hardware kits
    - Update the data base with the PDS team
  • Teccon design and engineering - Technical support engineer for AIRBUS CENTRAL ENTITY (Aircraft major repair)

    2011 - 2012 - Manager of “Pre-Defined Solution”
    - Workload management
    - Support the Design office for development of new PDS
    - Creation of inspection program, airframe, consumables and hardware kits
    - Update PDS with Repair embodiment feedbacks + improvement of “PDS Catalogue”
    - Technical support of the ARIBUS major repair team (technical support engineer)
    - Coordination of all the department involved on the PDS concept
    - On-site assistance for airlines
  • Ajilon engineering - Design integrator and technical author for LABINAL SRM Department

    2008 - 2011 - Customer interface
    - Follow up of project
    - Technical analysis and support
    - Illustrations creation
    - SRM preparation
  • SNC Sobagri - Project designer and manager for hydroelectric station

    2007 - 2008 - Redaction of project proposal to reply calls for tender
    - Design of specific machine and create the associated drawings
    - Management of all the production phase
    - On-site support during the installation



Annuaire des membres :