Benoît Darties is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science. Since october 2009, he is a member of the “Algorithms and combinatorics” research team which belongs to LE2I laboratory, CNRS, France. He is also part of the engineering school ESIREM located in Dijon, University of Burgundy, France.
From july 2008 to october 2009, he was a postdoc researcher at Drakkar team of LIG Laboratory, Grenoble, and worked on self-management protocols for multi-channels radio networks.
From october 2007 to july 2008, he worked as a temporary assistant professor (in french: ATER) in Computer Science in “Networks Algorithms and Performances” research team of LIRMM Laboratory, University Montpellier II, France. During this period he gave lectures on computer science at the University of Montpellier 3 : Arts and Letters, France.
He obtained his PhD in december 2007 from the University of Sciences Montpellier II, France. His doctoral research focused on algorithmic and complexity problems in radio networks and was supervised from 2004 to 2007 by Jean-Claude König and Sylvain Durand through a French government PhD grant.
His main research thematics include ad-hoc and sensors networks, theoretical aspects of computer science, self-management protocols, autonomous computing, operational research, and scheduling problems.
Mes compétences :