


En résumé

During my scientific career I was in charge of leading and developing different innovative scientific projects based on various technologies at the interface between Biotechnologies and Neurosciences. In addition to developing my expertise in Neurosciences I developed transversal skills in information management, project management, analysis/synthesis and critical thinking, written/oral english communication, managing complex problems and change. I learned how to communicate effectively when addressing a diverse and lay audience and developed my communication and teaching skills during my additional work experiences as a teacher, as a scientific expert consultant for a management firm and as a scientific mediator for adults and children.

Mes compétences :
Rédaction scientifique
Travail en équipe
Synthèse rédactionnelle
Gestion de projet
Recherche scientifique


  • Alexion R&D France - Project manager & Microscopy Platform Manager

    2015 - maintenant Scientific Project Manager
    Microscopy Platform Manager
  • BALTHAZAR - Scientific consultant

    Boulogne billancourt, 2014 - 2015 Advisory and scientific expertise missions about the use of Neurosciences knowledge in pedagogy, learning, professional training and management.
    - Creation of teaching supports
    - Advisory mission
    - Animation of conferences for diverse and lay audience.

    Transervsal skills
    - Interdisciplinarity: create links between Science/ Management / Pedagogy
    - Collaboration with professional from various background
    - Use scientific expertise to propose solutions tailored to clients
    - Oral communication to diverse and lay audience
    - Knowledge transfer
  • Inserm - Scientific Project Manager - iStem

    PARIS 13 2014 - 2015 I am in charge of leading a scientific innovative project at the interface between fundamental and therapeutic Neurosciences based on Human Stem Cell technology to model, study and treat Huntington's disease.

    Technical skills:
    - In vitro studies: Stem cell culture, immunocytochemistry, microscopy/videomicroscopy, lentiviral transduction experiments, biochemistry (western, RTqPCR, FACS,...)
    - In vivo studies: mouse primary culture, rat graft, immunohistochemistry
    - Data analysis & programmation : development of macro/ journals with Metamorph, Metavue, ImageJ, SynD, excel

    Transversal skills
    - Project management & strategic orientation
    - Technologic and scientific watch
    - Analysis / synthesis / critical thinking
    - Redaction of scientific articles
    - Participate to scientific meetings
    - Oral communication at international meetings
    - Transfer of expertise

    Human skills:
    - Relationship building and involvement in professional conferences
    - Curiosity
    - Capacity of adaptation
    - Communication skills
    - Autonomy
  • Palais de la découverte - Scientific mediator

    2012 - 2012 Volunteer activity of scientific mediation
    - creation of practical workshops about neuroscience research (for adults and children)
    - conducting interactive and didactic presentation (with live experiences)

    Transversal skills:
    - science popularization
    - mediation and animation
    - communication about research job and career
  • CNRS - Junior scientific project manager

    Paris 2009 - 2013 phD in Neurosciences

    I was in charge of leading and develop a scientific project at the interface between fundamental and applied Neurosciences. I developed a technologic invention based on a new microfluidic technique of tissue engineering to reconstruct brain-on-chips and develop its fundamental and industrial applications.

    Technical skills:
    - biotechnology : microfluidic
    - in vitro : cortical, striatal, mesencephalic primary cultures, biochemistry, immunocytochemistry, microscopy and videomicroscopy
    - data/image analysis & programmation : imageJ, Metamorph, synD, Icy, excel

    Transversal skills:
    - Project management
    - Invention and development of a new biotechnology
    - Conducting international seminars, international written and oral communication
    - Analysis/synthesis and critical thinking
    - Scientific and technological watch
    - Developing cooperative networks
    - Teaching, training and people management
  • Universite Paris Descartes - Scientific teacher

    Paris 2009 - 2012 - Biochemical class
    - Students evaluation
    - Individual tutoring

    Transversal skills:
    - Teaching skills
    - Evaluation skills
    - Communication skills
  • CNRS - Junior project manager

    Paris 2005 - 2009 Various research job experiences in different laboratories:
    development of scientific, relational skills and professional networking

    List of laboratories :
    - Laboratoire de Neurobiologie des Processus Adaptatifs (4 months, Paris)
    - Laboratoire de Neuro-oncologie et Neuro-inflammation (Lyon, 4 months)
    - Grenoble Institut des Neurosciences (Grenoble, 4 months)
    - Laboratoire de Neurobiologie des états de vigilence (2 months, Lyon)
    - Laboratoires de Physiologie cellulaire végétale (2 months, Grenoble)
    - Centre de Recherche Service Santé de l'armée (1 months, Grenoble)

    Technical skills:
    - primary and stable lines culture
    - stereotaxy
    - electrophysiology
    - microtome
    - biochemistry
    - immunofluorescence
    - videomicroscopy


  • Université Pierre Et Marie Curie (UPMC) (Paris)

    Paris 2009 - 2013 phD in Neurosciences
  • Ecole Normale Supérieure

    Lyon 2006 - 2009 Master
  • UJF Grenoble/ UFR De Chimie (Grenoble)

    Grenoble 2004 - 2006 L1-L2 Chimie-biologie


Annuaire des membres :