Xebia Training
- Certified Cloudera trainer for Apache Hadoop (developer and administrator)
Paris2012 - 2014
The Apache Software Foundation
- MRUnit PMC member and committer
2012 - 2016
- Consultant
Paris2011 - 2014
- Software Design Engineer
2009 - 2011Design, implementation, test and release of the main product in an iterative fashion (Scrum).
Implementation of a customized crawl solution and data-intensive processes (Hadoop, spring-batch) for extracting, analyzing, exporting and importing business data.
- Java/J2EE part time developer
COMPIEGNE2008 - 2009Implementation of Logica's use case for the KIWI project (http://www.kiwi-project.eu/) : Collaborative Knowledge Management powered by the Semantic Web.
Aalborg University (Aalborg)
Aalborg2008 - 2009information retrieval, data mining / machine learning
Specialization in Information Retrieval, Data Mining / Machine Learning with a focus on software engineering and the agile methodology (XP, Scrum ...).