
Bertrand MERCIER


En résumé

Je suis chef de projets et architecte logiciel dans les systèmes et réseaux embarqués avec des contraintes de temps réel.

Je suis intéressé par les entreprises qui travaillent sur des avant-projets, des études pour des projets de R&D avec de la veille technologique dans les domaines du temps réel embarqué (méthodes formelles, architectures systèmes multi / many coeurs, virtualisation,hyperviseur) dans divers domaines (aéronautique, automobile, ferroviaire, médical)

Je leur apporte un soutien, des conseils, des suggestions et de la veille technologique sur la conception de logiciels embarqués fiables et robustes.

Mes compétences :
Systèmes Temps Réel
Langage C
UML 2.0
Systèmes embarqués
Langage objet (C++, Java)
Langages assembleur
Microsoft Project
Linux embarqué


  • PME, Startup, Valeo, CS, Schneider Electric - Embedded Systems R&D Project Manager & Architect (freelance)

    2015 - maintenant Missions :

    07/2019 -> 12/2019 : Schneider Electric
    Embedded Software Teams Coordination (10 engineers) in low & applicative level for Drivers &
    SoftStarters of Electric Motors
    Project Management with Jira (StandUp, weekly Scrum meeting).
    Software deliveries fortnightly(every 15 days).
    Subcontracting management
    Bugs/Evolutions & Change Request with ClearQuest.
    Software Configuration Management Plan, Verification Plan
    Planning (delays, costs).
    HW/SW team interfaces.
    OS Micrium (microC/OS3), C language, Git

    10/2018 -> 04/2019 CS
    Embedded Software Project Manager
    Setting Up a Center for Aeronautics & Military Defence Services.
    Technical responses to a dozen or so calls for tenders issued by Safran for aeronautics and defense projects.
    management of a team of 10 ingineers for a fixed-price project (C & ARM-Assembly languages).
    Redaction of research tax credit file
    Risk & skills management
    Progress indicators, KPI
    Commitments on Quality, Deadlines and costs

    02/2017 -> 04/2018 Krono-Safe (through IT service company)
    Project Manager & Software Architect/Developper
    Secured Determinist Real-Time Embedded System(Hypervisor & OS on Heterogeneous Multi-Cores ARM platform with ARM TrustZone management) for an Aeronautic & Defence project
    MS-Project, Scrum Agile method with Jira
    ARINC653 P1/P4(spatial and temporal isolation), DO178C-DalC (creation & update of HLR & LLR, use & review of SDP, SCMP, SVP, traceability matrix)
    Architecture, Design(SDD), C & ARMv7/8 Assembly languages for processing code, XML for configuration files
    Unit tests with Unity & JSON
    Configuration Management(Git), Bugs tracker(Jira)
    Planning (MS-Project)

    07/2016 – 12/2016 VALEO Automotive Supplier
    Project Manager (in freelance)
    Car Heating System
    Specification, Global & Component Design
    Coding Rules (MISRA) integrated in Cosmic Compiler
    Configuration Management (pvcs), Bugs management (Mantis), Traceability
    CANoe, 16 bits NXP microcontroler, ADC, Interrupts(priorities) management
    Collaboration with Hardware Team Architect for System Specifications

    01/2016 – 06/2016 Energy-Telecom Start-Up
    Project Manager
    Energy Measure & Analysis Telecom Product
    Design & Development in C with real-time OS FreeRTOS on ARM-CortexM4
    Configuration Management (git)
    HTTP, TCP & SPI protocols, ICE/JTAG, RS485

    01/2015 -> 07/2015 : VALEO automotive supplier spin-off (through IT service company)
    Hardware/Software Architect for an Automotive supplier, Study of Theoretical and Experimental Feasibility of a new system for motor vehicles to solve a current issue

    State of the Art of existing systems (academic & industrial research)
    Study of different sensors (accelerometers, gyrometers, magnetometers, inclinometers)
    Design of software algorithms on Tabview & MATLAB
    SPI, I2C
    Study of embedded code for Kalman Filter & Data fusion with Arduino board
    Study of different DC motors
    Communication with Hardware Team Architect/Project Manager
  • TelecomParisTech - Dassault Aviation - Research Engineer (PhD)

    Saint-Cloud 2013 - 2014 Fixed-term contract
    Embedded software in Drones
    Topic : Creation of a new Software Architecture (based on SOA components & XML meta models), ensuring QoS, more particularly end-to-end response times on Avionic Embedded Networks
    Works :
    State of The Art/Related Work ( research of International Academic & Scientific papers )

    Study of Algorithms for computing response times on Real Time Embedded Networks
    Study of RealTime Scheduling Analysis on distributed networks
    regular written & oral presentations
    Study of an avionic real time embedded network : AFDX (ARINC 664-Part 7)
    Implementation of an algorithm for computing the worst case of response time (« approche Trajectoire »), in Java
    Piloting/Supplier Management of 8 subcontractor engineers
  • SSII - Software Design Engineer

    Sèvres Cedex 2012 - 2012 Optronic sighting system embedded on Helicopters

    Retro-Engineering ( SDD Design Documentation from C embedded code )
    VxWorks, CVS version management
    DO-178 : Evolution sheets on Specifications (SRS)
  • Business creation - Engineer

    2010 - 2011 Study of an innovative hi-tech product : Device mobile(Ipod, Smartphones) Electrical Charger thanks to mechanical energy through USB.
    Study of the current market
  • Thales-MicroElectronics -> T.E.S - Software Design Engineer

    2003 - 2010 Automotive Crash-Box recording car accidents for a US customer :
    Global Software architecture, Design of several modules, Programming(C) Linux : middleware applications, data acquisition design on Freescale micro-controler(I2C, ADC interfaces)
    Serial Communication Protocol(UART/RS232); ARM926; TCP/IP socket programming.
    Communication with the customer
    Work with Quality engineer

    Military Audio Card for Thales Germany :
    u-boot Bootloader , Linux Kernel updates, linux drivers(SPI, UART, misc), memory tests, PIC18LF
    Interruptions manager
    Communication with the customer
    Work with Quality engineer

    - For Thales Communication
    Assembly Programming Tests of the embedded code in the digital radio-altimeter of the A380 airplane
    Deputy Project Manager (work monitoring of 8 engineers) : commitments honored for quality, deadlines, costs
    Work with Quality authority

    - Answers (costs, deadlines) to call for tenders (mainly from Thales)

    - IT service for Alcatel Mobile Phone :
    Architecture (UML/Rhapsody), Specs, Programming(C), Integration Tests of Audio & Video software modules embedded on Mobiles Phones (target tests on ARM7, Chorus os, simulation tests on UNIX)
  • Elios Informatique - Software Development Engineer

    1998 - 2003 IT services for several customers :
    - Alcatel-Cga (MMI, Visual C++, UART, HDLC protocol, multi-threading, Windows DLL, Access database/SQL-DAO),
    - Sagem (MMI, Windows driver(DDK), Visual C++, OLE/COM/ActiveX),
    - Thales Communication (PKI-certificats, asymetric public/private keys- for a secured network: MMI design(database/Sql-ODBC-) & multi-threads LLC protocol programmation ),
    - Nortel Networks ( for GSM/GPRS/UMTS base stations : specification & design(UML/Rose), programming in C & C++, configuration in Java, simulation tests on UNIX, target tests on VxWorks)
  • ADIT-Technology - Software Development Engineer

    1996 - 1997 For an innovative Field Network(patented) for automatism world(CEI-1131-3),
    Design, Program(C, Visual C++) of tools to configure & exploite the network.
    Creation of a compiler with lex & yacc analyzers.
  • Fastware - Software Development Engineer

    1995 - 1995 For a Software Package Product : LAN, WAN Network Supervision
    Specification, Design, Programming & Test of MMIs in Visual C++/Windows SDK
    ReUse of C++ Classes
  • S.E.D - Studies & documentation Engineer

    1991 - 1993 Electronic materials studies (missiles, aircraft embedded computers) for documentation (exploitation & maintenance manuals) for Matra, Aerospacial
    Management of 3 technicians
  • Direction Générale de l'Armement - National/Military service as a scientist

    PARIS 1990 - 1991 C Programming language of GUI on UNIX for missile impact simulations against air and ground enemies


  • CNAM Paris : Conservatoire National Des Arts Et Métiers

    Paris 2012 - 2013 Master "Systèmes Embarqués, Mobiles et Surs"

    Computer Security(AES, RSA), Smart Card(Java, C), Synchronous Languages(Lustre, Esterel), Real-Time Scheduling(RM, DM, EDF, PIP, PCP), Safety, Formal Methods(PetriNetwoks), Networking
    Research Internship : algebric linear coding to optimize throuputs on any kind of networks.
  • Learning Tree International

    Clichy 2005 - 2005 Formation intensive sur les outils & méthodes de la gestion de projets
    - Définir les Objectifs d'un Projet,
    - Définir et Structurer le travail,
    - Estimation des Durées, Travail et Couts
    - Etablir le Planning des taches
    - Affecter les Ressources
    - Revoir les Risques
    - Les hommes(L'humain) et les clés de la réussite
  • Ecole Nationale Supérieure Des Télécommunications ENST BRETAGNE

    Brest 1993 - 1994 Software Engineering & Real Time

    Languages : C, C++, Smaltalk,
    Methods : SADT, Object Design(OMT/OOA/OOD),
    Operating Systems : UNIX, Real Time OS : OS9, PSOS
    Networking :TCP/IP
  • ESME SUDRIA, Engineering School

    Ivry Sur Seine 1986 - 1990 Engineer


Annuaire des membres :