


En résumé

Monde des OnG et du Développement,orientation et guide touristique,voyages et randonnées,transcriptions et traduction .

Mes compétences :
vehicles scheduling and maintenance,translation, i
office supplies management
Responsible for staff training
Personnel management
Microsoft Office


  • Mali Lingua Services - Director

    2011 - maintenant Director Mali Lingua Services ;translation, interpretation and languages adaptation.French/English and Malian Languages.
    Director Mali Lingua Services ;translation, interpretation and languages adaptation.French/English and Malian Languages.
  • Japan International Cooperation Agency - Interpreter

    2000 - 2001 : Interpreter JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) for the mapping project of Kiba, Sirakoro, and Bafing Makana, at scale of 1/50.000. Translation of work manuals and documents. Cultural guide in all covered villages.
  • US Peace Corps Mali. Teaching French - Language Facilitator

    1999 - 2011 Language Facilitator at US Peace Corps Mali. Teaching French, Dogon, and Bambara. Cultural guide for trainees at homestay villages and at Tubaniso.
  • Peace corps mali - Language and cultural facilitator

    1999 - maintenant teaching local languages to volunteers.cultural guide of volunteers in homestay villages
  • ONTV Africa - Commercial

    1996 - 1999 : Commercial responsible-ONTV of Africa in Bamako. Sales of used cars and French lubricant ``Cofran''.
  • DHL International - Operations supervisor

    1989 - 1996 : Operations supervisor of DHL International, Bamako, Mali. Responsible for staff training, vehicles scheduling and maintenance. Procurement of office supplies. Liaison with airport officials, customs, airlines, and ground transport companies. Production of daily and monthly reports on DHL operations to Abidjan Regional office. Translation of work documents.
  • DHL MALI - Superviseur des ops

    1989 - 1996 Collectes et distributions des courriers et paquets express
  • Foster Parents Plan International - Translator & Administrative Assistant

    1983 - 1989 : Translator/Administrative Assistant at Foster Parents Plan International, Banamba, Mali. Personnel management and office supplies management. Producing reports for country office in Bamako and head office in Rhode Island (USA). Interpreter for donors visiting foster children.
  • ETS Cheickna Coulibaly - Transportation company manager

    1981 - 1983 : Transportation company manager at ETS Cheickna Coulibaly, San Pedro, Cote d'Ivoire. Timber trucks scheduling - sales and marketing of transportation services.
  • Enseignement de l'Anglais - MSC

    1975 - 1978 : Teaching English in Bougouni. Dougounina fundamental school.
    Workshops and Other activities

    Seminars and workshops with the CNOP (Coordination des paysans du Mali
    SRRV (women with fistula)
    GSTA/Solimar (global sustainable tourism alliance)


  • Institute De Productivité Et De Gestion Provisionnelle (IPGP) (Bamako)

    Bamako 1984 - 1988 Certificats

    Formations à l'interne
  • Dougounina (Bougouni)

    Bougouni 1975 - 1975 Certificate of Professional Aptitude

    pour ma confirmation comme MSC
    Maitre du second Cycle
  • Ecole Normale Secondaire De Badalabougou ENSEC (Bamako)

    Bamako 1971 - 1975 Anglais

    enseignement du 2 e cycle

    Langues Dessin Musique - diplome de ENSEC


Annuaire des membres :