CPI - Fuveau - HongKong - OUdenaarde
- GM international sales & marketing director
2018 - 2019
GM - international sales & marketing director Europlasma - Nanofics - CPI, Belgium, Hong Kong, France-Fuveau
Multi-disciplinary tasks, restructure sales
Restructure Sales&marketing - events - legal vs strategy - client fidelity - retention
Development & Implementations platform ERP-CRM/Dynamics.
Agent contract negotiations (worldwide)Client visit & nego worldwide, business development
Sales & marketing strategy, market development - communication
Convert negative deficit into positive turnover with benefits.
BYMM bvba
- Business consultant & partner
2014 - 2018
Business consultant, managing partner - Process developing,, Business development, CRM implementation, continuous improvement, HR- guidance & coaching(43Fte) Larger benefit.
SaSe Manager/office manager(@interim)
CLF-Brugge - Koudekerk
- SaSe Manager & office manager
2013 - 2014
SaSe Manager/office manager(@interim)
healthcare services-logistics
**Office management - Merge CS (local to national) Restructure, cost cutting Implement new Sales&service . Develop procedures, continuous improvement. Optimization, KPI vs raise level of customer satisfaction. Guidance and coaching sales reps. Board member of the ISO Q team. Sales KAM & LAM(government, university)
Keywords: change, Sales optimization, guidance, coaching, CRM, process analyse. Office management, Major key account management, Project management. Marketing - communication
Kompass Belgium - Paris
- Adjunct General Manager & Sales & Marketing Director
2010 - 2012
**Generating new business, assignment to change entirely the cost structure. By applying this strategy and this policy, a cost saving generated of approximated 45%, after 2 years. Motivate & steer the S&M department
**Lead the staff in an adequate way through 3 mergers/acquisitions. With a very small attrition of staff. Stabilize the company to give it the necessary space to evolve and grow
**Coaching ``change'' assignment the main'' red guide''.
Elan Holding - Barcelone, Moscow, Amsterdam, Berlin
- International sales director
2009 - 2012
/Moscow - Trets - Barcelona -Amsterdam- Zolder - Berlin,
**Analysing - helicopter view, develop processes, develop reports vs transparency. Transparency guiding and improving easier and more constructive, with the desired positive outcome
. **Sales & marketing projected the needs of re-orientation to give the company the necessary air. strategy. Positive impact after analysing àfocus vs profitability of the hunting process. Standardised documents higher profitability, happy co-workers and clients. Larger benefit
**Communication plan for several departments - teach how to collaborate with a positive attitude, result à huge cost savings for the company(admin process)
SNT-KPN Anvers - Amsterdam
- Sales Director
2007 - 2009
**Analyse transparency, examine contractual agreements, a clear view on profitability and/or loss of each contract. Reject non-profitable business Client contract negotiation. Positive outcome, larger benefit EBITHA.
**Create reports and processes, structure to give the shareholder/holding a clear view on the business.
**Approach Key accounts, to negotiate the profitability of their contract. To combine with steering, guidance and
- Sales &marketing Manager
2000 - 2007
Automobile environment, media - BMW - financial leasing
**Create cohesion, co-operation/team-spirit, between several departments where ``languages and communication'' the main issues
**Develop on year base communication plans for key accounts, guidance and, coaching, steering of a sales group
**Start-up a new division in the B2B automotive department. , consolidate and build/ on major/key accounts.
** Identify the new department and company with USP, generate/create benefits for the client,. Customer loyalty, above budgeted targets. Better results, better profitability, and larger contracts.
**Financial analysis, audits, legal contracts, guidance and steering. Cost saving and efficiency; national and international
Commeatus Saigon- HongKong)Coutrai-Singapore
- Trader
1989 - 2000
Commeatus - Vietnam, Mexico, Hongkong, China, Indonesia, Ecuador, Philippines, Thailand 04/89 - 06/00 , decoration interior
**Invent hypes with lifestyle products, to create a market and idea move. Large earnings (gross 230%)
**by the right products and logistic partners search/choice, correct and market conform agreements to the necessary results on the European market. Prospect and client accountancy, large accounts, wholesalers, distributors
** Training and coach junior sales
Keywords: trading, key accounts, Far East, Central America -coaching, motivate sales, marketing, purchase Office management, HR -KAM - distributers - wholesalers. change, communication, CRM office management, guidance, market survey, DM campaign, budget control, profitability, KAM, Change, market analysis, CRM, development coach, events, analyse coaching, communication, strategy, coordination events , office management, CRM development, process analysis, profitability, market survey, outsourcing, , MAM, communication recruiting, business development, Office management, Raise benefit, larger turnover