


En résumé

 Experienced Multidisciplinary Executive with expertise in products and services.(interim management)
 Gets the best out of people and teams
 Sets and realizes challenging targets – lean – scrum - agile
 Result driven, lean attitude and entrepreneurial spirit -helicopter view
 Full international mobility.
 Multilingual.

Mes compétences :
Customer Relationship Management
Enterprise Resource Planning
Contract Negotiation
CRM implementation
Continuous Improvement
Marketing Management
market development
Cost Reduction
Major key account management
Project Management
Key Accounts
Customer Retention
develop processes
profitable business Client contract negotiation
Budgets & Budgeting > Budget Management
Cost Structures
Financial Analysis
Market analysis
Sales and Marketing
develop reports
CRM development
process analysis
Business Intelligence
Lean Six Sigma
Purchase Ledger
develop my knowledge
develop the business
Agile Methodology
Data Centre
Scrum Methodology


  • CPI - Fuveau - HongKong - OUdenaarde - GM international sales & marketing director

    2018 - 2019 GM - international sales & marketing director Europlasma - Nanofics - CPI, Belgium, Hong Kong, France-Fuveau
    Multi-disciplinary tasks, restructure sales
    Restructure Sales&marketing - events - legal vs strategy - client fidelity - retention
    Development & Implementations platform ERP-CRM/Dynamics.
    Agent contract negotiations (worldwide)Client visit & nego worldwide, business development
    Sales & marketing strategy, market development - communication
    Convert negative deficit into positive turnover with benefits.
  • BYMM bvba - Business consultant & partner

    2014 - 2018 Business consultant, managing partner - Process developing,, Business development, CRM implementation, continuous improvement, HR- guidance & coaching(43Fte) Larger benefit.
    SaSe Manager/office manager(@interim)
  • CLF-Brugge - Koudekerk - SaSe Manager & office manager

    2013 - 2014 SaSe Manager/office manager(@interim)
    healthcare services-logistics
    **Office management - Merge CS (local to national) Restructure, cost cutting Implement new Sales&service . Develop procedures, continuous improvement. Optimization, KPI vs raise level of customer satisfaction. Guidance and coaching sales reps. Board member of the ISO Q team. Sales KAM & LAM(government, university)
    Keywords: change, Sales optimization, guidance, coaching, CRM, process analyse. Office management, Major key account management, Project management. Marketing - communication
  • Kompass Belgium - Paris - Adjunct General Manager & Sales & Marketing Director

    2010 - 2012 **Generating new business, assignment to change entirely the cost structure. By applying this strategy and this policy, a cost saving generated of approximated 45%, after 2 years. Motivate & steer the S&M department
    **Lead the staff in an adequate way through 3 mergers/acquisitions. With a very small attrition of staff. Stabilize the company to give it the necessary space to evolve and grow
    **Coaching ``change'' assignment the main'' red guide''.
  • Elan Holding - Barcelone, Moscow, Amsterdam, Berlin - International sales director

    2009 - 2012 /Moscow - Trets - Barcelona -Amsterdam- Zolder - Berlin,
    **Analysing - helicopter view, develop processes, develop reports vs transparency. Transparency guiding and improving easier and more constructive, with the desired positive outcome
    . **Sales & marketing projected the needs of re-orientation to give the company the necessary air. strategy. Positive impact after analysing àfocus vs profitability of the hunting process. Standardised documents higher profitability, happy co-workers and clients. Larger benefit
    **Communication plan for several departments - teach how to collaborate with a positive attitude, result à huge cost savings for the company(admin process)
  • SNT-KPN Anvers - Amsterdam - Sales Director

    2007 - 2009 **Analyse transparency, examine contractual agreements, a clear view on profitability and/or loss of each contract. Reject non-profitable business Client contract negotiation. Positive outcome, larger benefit EBITHA.
    **Create reports and processes, structure to give the shareholder/holding a clear view on the business.
    **Approach Key accounts, to negotiate the profitability of their contract. To combine with steering, guidance and
  • BMW - Sales &marketing Manager

    Munich 2000 - 2007 Automobile environment, media - BMW - financial leasing
    **Create cohesion, co-operation/team-spirit, between several departments where ``languages and communication'' the main issues
    **Develop on year base communication plans for key accounts, guidance and, coaching, steering of a sales group
    **Start-up a new division in the B2B automotive department. , consolidate and build/ on major/key accounts.
    ** Identify the new department and company with USP, generate/create benefits for the client,. Customer loyalty, above budgeted targets. Better results, better profitability, and larger contracts.
    **Financial analysis, audits, legal contracts, guidance and steering. Cost saving and efficiency; national and international
  • Commeatus Saigon- HongKong)Coutrai-Singapore - Trader

    1989 - 2000 Commeatus - Vietnam, Mexico, Hongkong, China, Indonesia, Ecuador, Philippines, Thailand 04/89 - 06/00 , decoration interior
    **Invent hypes with lifestyle products, to create a market and idea move. Large earnings (gross 230%)
    **by the right products and logistic partners search/choice, correct and market conform agreements to the necessary results on the European market. Prospect and client accountancy, large accounts, wholesalers, distributors
    ** Training and coach junior sales
    Keywords: trading, key accounts, Far East, Central America -coaching, motivate sales, marketing, purchase Office management, HR -KAM - distributers - wholesalers. change, communication, CRM office management, guidance, market survey, DM campaign, budget control, profitability, KAM, Change, market analysis, CRM, development coach, events, analyse coaching, communication, strategy, coordination events , office management, CRM development, process analysis, profitability, market survey, outsourcing, , MAM, communication recruiting, business development, Office management, Raise benefit, larger turnover


  • Lean Six Sigma Company (Anvers)

    Anvers 2012 - 2013 Master
  • UA - Management Science (Anvers)

    Anvers 2011 - 2020 master
  • HITEK - Marketing (Coutrai)

    Coutrai 1980 - 1984 Bachelor


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