


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Gestion de projets
Marketing opérationnel
Marketing relationnel
Stratégie digitale


  • Digital College - Responsable Développement

    Paris 2017 - maintenant
  • De Rigueur - Event Specialist

    2016 - 2016 Representation of the start-up De Rigueur (www.derigueur.fr) in the SIDO, 6-7 april at La Cité Internationale in Lyon.
    Presentation of their new product "The Connected Sleeve".
  • Alumni Association of ESCG Paris - Events Planner

    2011 - 2013
  • Ecole des métiers de l'information - CFD - Chief Development Officer

    2010 - 2016 - Participate in the offer’s revising and the development of the new training offers with the Pedagogy Department
    - Ensure the commercialisation of the offer
    - Conceptualise and set up the marketing campaigns : leaflets, emailing (definition of objectives, targets, contents, landing pages, analysis of the tracking), website, e-merchandising
    - Coordinate the update of the product pages on the website
    - Conceptualise and set up the CRM strategy
    - Customise the CRM, conducting its updates and data cleaning
    - Ensure and optimise the fluidity of the customer journeys
    - Establish and follow up the sales report
    - Train and manage an account executive
  • Ecole des métiers de l'information - CFD - Account Executive

    2007 - 2010 - Training consultancy
    - Management of the clients’ files (BtoB and BtoC)
    - Management of complaints and cancellations
    - Participation in the public relationships and events
    - Creation of a tool of the client knowledge
  • Au jardin d'Edgar - Chief Product Assistant

    Paris 2007 - 2007 Participation in the release of a flowers box’s range
    - Benchmarking
    - Conceptualisation and realisation of a survey
    - Analysis of the results
    - Recommendations for the product-mix
  • Thelem Assurances - Commercial Assistant

    CHÉCY 2006 - 2006


  • Shaw Academy

    Paris 2016 - 2016 Digital Marketing

    - SEO
    - Affiliation
    - Emailing
    - SEA
    - SMO
    - A/B Testing
    - Content Management
  • ESCG Paris

    Paris 2007 - 2010 Business manager and companies’ management
  • IUT René Descartes Paris 5

    Paris 2005 - 2007 Bachelor's degree - Management of the companies and administrations

    - Accountant
    - Financial management
    - Marketing
    - Project management
    - Logistics


Annuaire des membres :