I will be graduated from the University of Strasbourg in September 2013, in the Pharmaceutical Sciences field (Drug delivery). I submitted my thesis in Strasbourg in January 2013, on Nano-encapsulation of Insulin for oral administration. I began a six-months contract as a Nanosafety Pharmacist consultant for the APVMA (Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority) in Canberra, Australia, in january 2013.
For details on my current project, please see the section below.
Skills :
Lead consultant for the APVMA human health nanoregulatory strategy
• Complex analysis of information from different disciplines and perspectives relevant to human health risk assessment of agricultural and veterinary nanomaterials.
• Collation of research based evidence to facilitate APVMA nanomaterial risk assessment strategy to inform legislative reform.
• Consolidation of human health and environmental risk assessment concept report with Prof Mike McLaughlin and Dr Rai Kookana (University of Adelaide, CSIRO Land and Water).
• Prepared report outlining practical advice for APVMA evaluators interaction with Industry during pre-submission meetings
• Assisting APVMA Chief Regulatory Scientist Dr Phil Reeves in preparing both a keynote and regulatory session presentation for annual lectures at the Monash institue in Melbourne on Nanomaterials
• Co-author of 1 book chapter for Merck Veterinary Manual.
• Show initiative through identification of niche opportunities for strategy development in close communication with management hierarchy and multi-disciplinary stakeholders.
• Emphasis on training multi-disciplinary/multi-cultural individuals
• Undergraduate Pharmacist student tutorials and scientific report assessment
• Excellent communication and teaching skills developed
Mes compétences :
Team management
Event manager
Published author
Research development
Pharmaceutical industry
Project management