


En résumé

The word that best describes my research profile is interdisciplinary. I am a cognitive psychologist using neuro-imagery techniques to understand how the human brain works to allow language communication. And I am convinced that it is not only a question of psychology. I consider a multidisciplinary approach as indispensable to be able to manage issues encountered in this field and to have a better understanding of the observed effects.
My main research interest, which is the red line between my different studies, is to determine what the factors influencing the perception of the environment are and to understand how this is related to human behaviour. I am particularly interested in auditory perception since it is the first developed sense and a major means of communication. To achieve this goal, I manage different studies combining knowledge in cognitive psychology, acoustics, linguistic and neurosciences. I am specialised in neuroimaging (EEG, fMRI, MEG) from the installation of the equipment, design of the experiments, collection of data, the statistical analysis of the huge amount of resulting data and finally, to the interpretation and publication of the results.

Since I was PhD student (from 2005), I have been involved in various teaching activities in two different countries: France and Sweden. Working in these two different countries has had an important influence on my teaching style and on my teaching abilities. I teach in :
- several fields: psychology, neuroscience, and statistics
- different programs: psychology, neuroscience, biology, physiology, cognitive science among others, thanks to my multidisciplinary profile.
- from basic to advance level (and from recently for PhD-student level)
- in different languages: French, English, Swedish
Moreover, I have had the opportunity to lead students’ projects and I have also recently been course manager.

Mes compétences :
Base de données
Veille scientifique
SPSS Statistics


  • Linköpings Universitet - Lecturer

    2013 - maintenant
  • Association FL (Francophones de Linköping et ses alentours) - Co-fondatrice et membre active

    2012 - maintenant Co-fondatrice et membre active de l'Asso FL visant à regrouper les francophones de Linköping et ses alentours (environ une soixante de membres). L'association propose des évènements mensuels (culturels, sportifs, familiaux).
  • Linnaeus HEAD Centre - Post-doctoral Researcher

    2011 - 2013 Linnaeus HEaring And Deafness (HEAD) Centre
    Swedish Institute for Disability Research (SIDR)
    Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning
    Linköping University
  • CNRS - UMR5020 - Post-doctoral Researcher

    2010 - 2010 Veille documentaire, création de protocoles/procédures, recueil et analyse statistique de données, interprétation des résultats, communication internationale orale et écrite (anglais et français), gestion budgétaire, planification/respect des délais, travail en équipe/autonomie, management de stagiaires, organisation/animation de réunions.
  • INSERM U821 - Chargée de Projet

    2009 - 2010 Projet en collaboration (INSERM/CNRS), travail en équipe, analyse statistique et interprétation de données, communication écrite et orale.
  • 2L Festivités - Membre co-fondateur

    2006 - maintenant Co-fondatrice et membre active de l'association 2L Festivités qui gère l'organisation d'évènements particuliers : cérémonie d'engagement, de parrainage, renouvellement de voeux. Chaque évènement est entièrement personnalisable et peut être réalisé dans plusieurs langues (francais, anglais, allemand, suédois).
  • UCBL et ISTR - Chargée d'Enseignement

    2005 - 2009 Formatrice en Neurosciences (perception sensorielle, électroencéphalographie), en Psychologie et en Sciences et Techniques de Réadaptation : suivi et évaluation de projets individuels et/ou d’équipe.
  • CNRS UMR 5020 - PhD student

    2005 - 2008



Annuaire des membres :