


En résumé

Looking for a permanent contract in Luxembourg city.
Fields: Corporate Communication, Community Management, Web Marketing or Assistantship.
Availibility: 31/07/2014
You can check my online CV here: http://carolinecavalieri.wix.com/caroline-cavalieri

Mes compétences :
Langue Allemande
Langue anglaise
Prospection commerciale
Community management
Relations presses et relations publiques
Corporate communications
Event & Communication
Marketing direct
Assistanat commercial
Assistance administrative


  • PayPal - Administrative Assistant

    Dublin 2013 - maintenant Back office support: tracking legal documents for signatures, managing mails, scanning, filing , forwarding. Daily updating of the database. Work languages: French, German, English.
  • Let's Dyke! - Communication & Press Relations Manager

    2013 - maintenant Creation and organisation of cultural events, coordination of all communication & press actions (web & medias diffusion), community management, creation and monitoring of the website, tracking statistics.
  • VISUOL TECHNOLOGIES - Marketing and Sales Assistant

    2011 - 2012 Creation of communication supports (brochures), creation & translation of the newsletters, management of the Emailing campaigns, tracking statistics, planning & preparation of the business meetings and fairs, setting up of the CRM project, training of the employees, updating CRM database.
  • EURL PSJ - Restaurant Pasta Mano - Manager Assistant

    2007 - 2011 Management team, management & monitoring of the activity of the restaurant, recruiting process, training and integration of the employees, management of the work schedules.
  • PERSPECTIVES: Festival franco-allemand des arts de la scène - Public Relations Manager (Intern)

    2006 - 2006
  • MGEL - Communication Assistant (Intern)

    SAINT OUEN L'AUMONE 2003 - 2003


  • Université Paul Verlaine Metz UFR SHA

    Metz 2006 - 2008 Master of Art French- German studies: crossboarder communication and cooperation
  • Université De La Sarre/Universität Des Saarlandes (Saarbrücken/Sarrebruck)

    Saarbrücken/Sarrebruck 2005 - 2006 Bachelor deutsc-französische Studien
  • IUT Nancy Charlemagne

    Nancy 2001 - 2003 DUT Information Communication


Annuaire des membres :