Graduated from ICN-School of Management, from EGE (Ecole de Guerre Economique) at Paris, and IHEDN Auditor Institut des Hautes Etudes de Défense Nationale), she is specialized in Strategies of Competitive Intelligences.
She founds in November 2013, her own agency, MAKE SENSE SAS, specialized in brand strategy & strategic developpment.
Strategic Communication : means communication aligned with business goals. Using a unique methodology which combines proven skills in brand strategy, marketing, traditional PR, digital innovation and creativity, we can help deliver those goals in engaging, cost-effective and measurable way
Brand Marketing & Strategy : She can build a brand from scratch, gently evolve your corporate identity or produce an advertising campaign that brings your values to life and gets the phones ringing. We can help you build a brand equity model, develop content and channel strategies, even monitor your brand 'buzz' across social networks. Growing a business can be demanding, she can help you identify and manage the issues that arise in entrepreneurial businesses.
She worked several year in press & media field- Hachette Filipacchi- in Montreal , spent 15 years in the field of advertising radio network in Europe 1 Group, and built in 1998 with heart, passion alongside Laurent Panard, a first company, a Multimedia Communication Agency specialized in: Communication consultancy specialising at national level in Sound Design – Multimedia Design and Development (web sites) – Image Strategy – Auditing –External Corporate Communication – Space Purchasing -Press Relations- Communication Strategies–Image Capital and Audio production.
In 2005, she created a Business Intelligence Department working with small and medium sized private sector companies (PME) helping them to detect opportunities in their development strategy in France, and abroad, to develop their international projects and partnerships,(Specially in Russia, and Emirates),to develop their community management strategy,their web communication strategy ( Web 2.0), their market research, marketing plans and opportunity studies.
She left the company as manager in October 2013, but she remains a 50% shareholder.
She also teaches at the University of Lorraine in External Corporate Communication, Marketing Techniques, Image Strategy, and Broadcasting Strategy.
Research Thesis -I3M Labs (Toulon) : Offensive Business Intelligence
As a member of EPWN ( European Professional Women Network) since 2005 in Paris, she works to promote the professional progress of women through all their career phases, from potential through the pipeline to power by mentoring, training and networking.
The European network focus on raising our voices, interconnecting the generations and sharing best practices and knowledge across Europe. In EPWN, she animates a Think Tank Group on "women leading change" and "mentoring".
Catherine is also mentoring inner city students to help them build self-confidence and find a job.
In October 2013, she left her first agency as Manager (but remains & 50% shareholder ) and founded MAKE SENSE SAS.
Spécialités : Stratégie de marque au service de la Stratégie d'Entreprise- Communication corporate et publicitaire-- Analyse concurrentielle- RP- Intelligence Economique- Formatrice
Spécialisation sur le marché russe.
Mes compétences :
Business intelligence
Community management
Intelligence économique
Image de marque
Competitive intelligence
Web 2.0
Accompagnement de dirigeants