


En résumé

A l'écoute d'opportunité dans le monde industriel, alors n'hésitez plus, contactez moi!


  • SBM Life science - Sourcing assistant

    Clenay 2017 - maintenant SBM creates, registers, manufactures and markets care and protection products for crops, plants and the home. It's a French family company, born in 1994 and now present in 31 countries in Europe, North America and North Africa.
    Sourcing activities are centralized in Lyon, the Headquarter, and as the Sourcing assistant, see below principal missions I handle:

    1/ Assisting buyer in their day to day activities:
    - Maintaining the database updated (prices and suppliers' information)
    - Administrative tasks (invoice discrepancy management)
    - Carrying sourcing activities: benchmark for specific products
    - Collecting, creating and analyzing purchasing data (dashboard)

    2/ New product Developments process
    Coordinating purchasing actions to ensure new products launches

    3/ Managing indirect spends
    Defining needs with collaborators, sourcing suppliers, launching RFI/RFP, analyzing supplier offers through a total cost of ownership approach, supplier selections
    Scope: most of all communication/digital agencies
  • Siemens - Project buyer as an apprentice

    Saint-Denis 2015 - 2016 Transmission Solutions (from Energy Management) takes to design, construct and operate turnkey electrical substation solutions that efficiently support the reliable supply of electrical power on all voltage levels.

    1/ Assisting the Commodity Manager of civil engineering
    - Suppliers' financial analysis
    - Preparing bids (launch RFI/RFQ)
    - Analyzing suppliers' proposal in a Total Cost of Ownership approach
    - Support for the contractualization and solving problems in an efficient and timely manner

    2/ International sourcing activities (France/Africa area):
    - Collecting and creating countries datasheets with economical, social, political, legal specifications in order to helps the understanding of this areas and improve Siemens agility to respond to bids by activating a supplier network

    3/ Working on a specific project about E-purchasing solutions :
    - Have been trained to work with a E-RFX/E-AUCTION tool
    - Creating a user manual for the purchasing team
    - Animating training for users

    4/ Participating to a project innovation for civil engineering:
    - Researching optimization and suggesting alternatives
  • Roche Diagnostics - Stagiaire en Achats hors production

    Meylan 2015 - 2015 Scope: indirect purchasing

    1/ Participating to the annual performance evaluation of all suppliers:
    - Studying questionnaire criteria
    - Working on the Purchasing Department sharedpoint to communicate procedures
    - Communication to suppliers

    2/ Supporting the implementation of a new e-procurement tool:
    - Translating a user manual from Spanish to French
    - Launching a campaign of information to internal collaborators

    3/ Assisting buyers in their day to day activities:
    - Dealing with purchasing orders/purchasing receipts (SAP)
    - Participating to bids: defining needs, sourcing suppliers, launch RFI/RFP
  • Diputacion regional de Huesca, Espagne - Internship

    2012 - 2012 Internship in a Spanish administration for 4 months


  • IAE Grenoble

    Grenoble 2014 - 2016 Management Stratégique des Achats (DESMA)

    - Industrial purchasing strategies
    - Marketing procurement strategy for ARaymond: international sourcing activities
    - Study on the purchasing performance for Siemens

    Writting a specific essay for Siemens: how to optimize the purchasing department organization in a company working on affairs/projects?
    >> Literary studies on the matrixed organization
    >> Benchmark through multinational companies suc
  • Institute Of Technology Sligo (Sligo)

    Sligo 2013 - 2014 Bachelor

    Acquisition of the Bachelor of Business + Licence de Management et Gestion des Entreprises (MGE)
    Attending English speaking classes with Irish students for the year

    Grenoble 2011 - 2013 DUT Gestion des Entreprises et Administrations

    Finance-Accounting options
    _Business strategy
  • Lycée Champollion

    Grenoble 2010 - 2011 Baccalaureate Degree

    *Option Mathématiques
    Mention BIEN


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