


En résumé

After graduation in a competitive French Business School, ​I started​ ​my​ career in a pharmaceutical company. ​I t​ook​ an active part in the development of biotech products on the Indian market and the creation of a structure dedicated to distribute ​new ​products across India. ​I then decide​d​ to devote ​my​ action to development and associative industry. In 2005, ​I​ join​ed​ a micro-finance specialised organisation and confirm​ed​ ​my​ new expertise by developing activities in the Philippines. In 2008, back to France, ​I​ join​ed​ Chiens Guides de Paris as Finance and administrative manager with two objectives : rationalised the administrative departement and build the fundraising activity. ​I​ quickly move​d​ to General Manager and supervise the entire activities of Chiens Guides de Paris in concert with three directrices and 30 employees.​ Based in Lyon, France since ​2012, I currently manage the structure in charge of home based patients in palliative care.

Specialties :
Non profits organisation, Projects Development, Management.


  • ADMR du Rhône - Responsable administratif & financier

    2017 - maintenant
  • Unis-Cité Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes - Directrice régionale

    Lyon 2016 - maintenant
  • RESONANCE - Directrice

    Lachassagne 2013 - 2016
  • Association de Chiens Guides pour Aveugles de Paris - Directrice générale

    2011 - 2013
  • Association de Chiens Guides pour Aveugles de Paris - Directrice fin. & admin.

    2008 - 2011
  • Entrepreneurs du Monde - Directrice de structure

    2005 - 2007 Manille - Philippines
  • Ipsen International - Country Manager

    Boulogne-Billancourt 2003 - 2004 VIE : New Delhi & Bombay - Inde



Annuaire des membres :