


En résumé

5 years experience and achievements in marketing, project management and international strategy
• Identify and analyse market opportunities and implement successful launch and promotion strategies
• Lead projects in matrix organization in a complex environment
• International exposure (Italy, Vietnam…) and management experience

Fields of expertise :
• Marketing
• Project management
• Business development
• Corporate Social Responsibility

Sectors & Companies :
• Healthcare : VivaSante
• FMCG : Reckitt Benckiser, Colgate
• Non-Profit and Education : HEC Paris, Enterprise and Poverty Action Tank – Collaboration with Danone, Essilor, SFR, Renault, Bouygues, Schneider Electric, Boston Consulting Group, OpinionWay, Croix Rouge Francaise, Abbe Pierre Foundation…

Mes compétences :
Gestion de projet
Marketing opérationnel
Business development
Développement international
Marketing stratégique


  • VivaSanté - Marketing Manager Vietnam

    Paris 2014 - maintenant • Define and implement strategy for VivaSante Vietnam OTC, OTx and Hospital ranges
    • Identify market opportunities, develop and implement launch plans for range extensions stemming from Vivasante portfolio and business development opportunities
    • Define and implement marketing and promotion activities targeted at KOLs, health care professionals, pharmacists and final consumers
    • Recommend and implement organisational and process changes
    • Manage and develop a marketing team of 4 Vietnamese employees

    Selfcare Activity
    • Boost consumer awareness and preference of URGO historic and new products: digital viral campaign, street marketing, merchandising strategy
    • Relaunch JUVAMINE Food supplement brand in modern trade and pharmacy with a 360 ° communication campaign
    • Support the growth of OTx brands HUMER - ENT/Nasal care and ALVITYL - Children Food supplements: recommend and manage new product launches, define and implement marketing plan targeting ENT/pediatricians, pharmacists, consumers. Set up a partnership between URGO Foundation and the Vietnam`National Institute of Nutrition
    • Support our distributor in the definition and implementation of the marketing strategy for the launch of sexual hygiene brand INTIMY
    • Develop and implement a local product launch process for Roll-out & Business development products

    Specialty Care Activity
    • Supervise the definition and implementation of brand building activities: marketing tools, education program, e-learning…
    • Organize cross-functional workshops to optimize tender and KOL management for key hospitals and reimbursement strategy
    • Oversee pre-marketing activities for an innovation launch: U&A study, Clinical trials, Scientific Prize organization

    Therapeutic areas: Advanced Wound Care; Diabetes; OTC - Wound care, Food supplements; Otx - ENT, Food supplements
  • VivaSanté - Asia Innovation Project Manager

    Paris 2013 - 2014 Manages the market study, recommendation and launch preparation for innovative wound care solutions for high potential Asia countries

    Business Development
    • Screen business opportunities for external growth for 2 medical devices
    • Manage the sourcing for a medical device

    Business Planning and Marketing
    • Manage the market study, business plan recommendation and launch preparation for an innovative wound care medical device and business model
    • Project management: Coordinate a multidisciplinary team to achieve objectives and planning

    Therapeutic areas: Advanced Wound Care; Diabetes
  • VivaSanté - Internal Marketing and International advisor

    Paris 2012 - 2013 Support Board members and Top Management in the study and implementation of strategic and operational Marketing and International projects

    Marketing, Market studies and Business development
    • Recommend 2 potential product markets for the development of URGO Healthcare’s business
    • Study the market potential of black Africa through research and field trips to Ivory Coast and Ghana
    • Recommend and implement a Corporate Social Responsibility program for VivaSante

    International strategy
    • Develop a decision tool to prioritize countries according to their market potential and accessibility

    Sales Force effectiveness:
    • Recommend best practices and tools to optimize the effectiveness of medical visits in France
    • Work on a recommendation for the reorganization of the sales force of URGO Medical in China

    Project Management
    • Coordinate and animate URGO Healthcare’s international steering committee
    • Coordinate and animate seminars aiming at spreading best marketing and commercial practices and leveraging international synergies within the Group
  • Action Tank Entreprise et Pauvreté - Chef de projet

    2010 - 2012 • Advise multinational companies in the development and implementation of innovative Marketing and Business models aiming at solving social issues
    • Build specific knowledge through action-research projects, strategic watch, market studies conducted in partnership with the BCG and OpinionWay…
    • Define strategy with the steering committee. Presidents: Emmanuel Faber and Martin Hirsch. Honorary President: Muhammad Yunus
    • Develop activity and partnerships: 15 member companies (Danone, Essilor, SFR, Schneider Electric, Renault, Bouygues Construction, La Poste…) and NGOs (La Coix Rouge, Fondation Abbe Pierre…)
    • Lobby with Finance Ministry to get support from the French Government
    • Define and create the legal, administrative and financial structure (budget 270,000€)
    • Pilot all activities : organize conferences; develop and coordinate human and material resources; manage communication
  • Colgate-Palmolive International - Rome - Assistant Brand Manager – Category Innovation Center

    2008 - 2008 Assistant Brand Manager on Experiential Personal Care Products within Category Innovation Center for Europe & Pacific Region

    Reinvention of two product ranges ($34.3 million sales): participated in market research and consumer tests, wrote and developed new product concepts, coordinated the development of formulas and packaging, participated in portfolio analysis and recommendations…
    • Global launch of a major product innovation: dealt with legal (claims, trademark…) and technical issues, wrote copytext, prepared material for consumer tests…
    • Others: monitored competition and consumer trends, participated in creative brainstorm…
  • Reckitt Benckiser France - Assistant Brand Manager on Fabric Care brands Vanish and Fabulon

    2007 - 2007 • Monitored the brands’ performances : monthly sales analysis, ad hoc analysis based on Nielsen (sales) and Homescan (consumer) data, monitored competitors’ activities
    • Managed autonomous projects, in relation with the different internal departments (Trade Marketing, Legal, Consumer insight, Production…) and external providers (design and advertising agencies…): developed new packagings, promotional offers…
    • Others: prepared documents for the sales force, updated the company’s website…


Pas de formation renseignée


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