


En résumé

Expert Scientist with focuses in cell biology, infectious diseases and host-pathogen interactions and a deep interest in applications of fundamental research. I’m actively looking for a scientific position in which I could provide expertise in preclinical or clinical readouts for the development of prophylactic and/or therapeutic solutions that could improve public health.
I am also interested in host pathogens interactions, emergent diseases


- Cell biology : cell culture, cell infection, flow cytometry, Immunolabeling of cells and tissues
- Microbiology
- Immunology
- mouse experimentation
- accurate Bacterial work
- Microscopy: Confocal and Transmission Electronic Microscopy

- Project management

- Scientific writing: articles, research projects and scientific reports. Qualification reports, procedures

- managing of technical staff

"Il n'y a pas de recherche appliquée, il n'y a que des applications de la recherche" Louis Pasteur.

Mes compétences :
Biologie cellulaire
data analysis
mouse experimentation
Western Blotting
Public Health
Project Management
Flow Cytometry
Cell Culture
Analytical Skills


  • GSK Belgium - Scientist

    2015 - maintenant In the contexte of adenovector based vaccines, responsible of development, qualification and validation of procedures allowing release of Phase I and II lots.
    qualification reports, adventitious virus detection, Swab, viral titration
    Pharmacopeia and guidances
  • INSTITUT COCHIN - Senior researcher

    2012 - 2014 Responsible of project: Impact of HIV-1 on African non-thyphoidal
    Salmonella Typhimurium infection. Development of ex vivo co-infection
    (HIV-1, Salmonella) system in primary human macrophages and study
    of inflammatory response.

    * Le-Bury, G. et al. Deschamps, C. and Niedergang, F. in preparation
  • Institut Cochin - Chercheuse

    2012 - 2014 - Development of a project to understand the impact of HIV infection in human macrophages on Salmonella Typhimurium survival and immune response.

    - Understand why non-typhoid and hyper invasive Salmonella strains develop in Sub-Saharan Africa in immunocompromised patients and cause bacteriemia and systemic diseases instead of gastroenteritis

    - Development of HIV-1 Salmonella co-infection protocoles

    - Macrophages differenciation from monocytes isolated from human Blood

    - Collaboration with a Salmonella consortium in Liverpool (UK)
  • INSTITUT COCHIN - Senior researcher

    2012 - 2014 Responsible of project: Impact of HIV-1 on African non-thyphoidal
    Salmonella Typhimurium infection. Development of ex vivo co-infection
    (HIV-1, Salmonella) system in primary human macrophages and study
    of inflammatory response.

    * Le-Bury, G. et al. Deschamps, C. and Niedergang, F. in preparation
  • Institut pasteur (Paris) - Chercheuse (Post doctorat) en Biologie cellulaire, tissulaire, maladies infectieuses

    Paris 2009 - 2011 Dans ce laboratoire, j'ai étudié la translocation de la bactérie Listeria monocytogenes à travers l'épithelium intestinal en utilisant des techniques d'imagerie (confocal et microscopie electronique) et des systèmes murins.
    Ce travail a abouti à la publication d'un article dans Journal of experimental medicine "Transcytosis of Listeria monocytogenes across the intestinal barrier upon specific targeting of goblet cell accessible E-cadherin"
  • Institut Cochin (Paris - Chercheuse en Biologie cellulaire (Post doctorat)

    2006 - 2008 Dans le laboratoire "Phagocytose et invasion bactérienne" mes recherches se sont focalisées sur l'étude du remodelage de membrane plasmique durant la phagocytose.
    Pour cette étude j'ai combiné des techniques de biologie cellulaire et d'imagerie.
    Ce travail a abouti à la publication d'un article: "AP-1 and ARF1 control endosomal dynamics at sites of FcR mediated phagocytosis" dans le journal Molecular Biology of the cell

    Mes différentes compétences lors de ce post doc:
    Conception et mise en œuvre de protocoles, analyse et confrontation des résultats
    Bibliographie, rédaction d’article scientifique et de demandes de financement, participation à des réunions
    Encadrement d’étudiant de licence (6 mois)
  • MONTREAL UNIVERSITY and Institut Cochin - Post-doctoral fellow

    2005 - 2008 INSTITUT COCHIN-CNRS (Paris-France)

    Study of phagocytosis by macrophages: in vitro cellular techniques to
    study opsono-phagocytosis (Fc and complement receptor mediated

    * Deschamps, C. et al. AP-1 and ARF1 control endosomal dynamics at
    sites of FcR mediated phagocytosis. Molecular biology of the cell in
  • MONTREAL UNIVERSITY and Institut Cochin - Post-doctoral fellow

    2005 - 2008 INSTITUT COCHIN-CNRS (Paris-France)

    Study of phagocytosis by macrophages: in vitro cellular techniques to
    study opsono-phagocytosis (Fc and complement receptor mediated

    * Deschamps, C. et al. AP-1 and ARF1 control endosomal dynamics at
    sites of FcR mediated phagocytosis. Molecular biology of the cell in


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