I obtained in September 2015 a PhD degree from Paris-Saclay university, after 3 years of research activities at AgroParisTech (UMR1145 Genial, France), in the field of food process engineering. My PhD focused on the simulation and energy optimization of food industries.
I wish to continue my career in the research field in industry with a research engineer job. I want to work on projects involving the use of modeling and simulation tools in the field of process engineering. I am convinced that these tools are necessary to meet the tomorrow's challenges, for the process control, and the energy optimization of plants.
My skills acquired in the agro-food sector are transferable to other applications such as the treatment of water and waste, the by-product valorization or the bioprocesses.
I would like to work in a multidisciplinary environment involving various partners, both industrial and academic.
Please contact me if you think that we can work together.
Mes compétences :
Optimisation des process
Simulation numérique
Visual Basic
Comsol Multiphysics