
Charlotte MINGUET


En résumé

After nearly 5 years working as a Pre-sales/Post-sales and trainer consultant for software companies in France and abroad, I'm looking for a new opportunity.

I'm driven by challenges. I would be very thrilled to be expanding my network in the following areas : digital transformation, change management and customer care.

Innovations and technologies are making possibilities so open and tremendous all around the world, and we can all be part of it!

Moreover, some subjects are important to me:
- conservation of environment and species
- marine life preservation
- renewables energies
- animal rights
- social economy
- health and well being

Mes compétences :
Analyse stratégique
Veille stratégique
Assistance client
Analyse des besoins
Force de proposition
Gestion de la relation client
Aisance relationelle


  • Microstrategy - Business Intelligence Consultant, certified on MicroStrategy solutions

    Courbevoie 2016 - 2018 MicroStrategy Certifications:
    MicroStrategy Analyst Specialist Bootcamp (December, 2016)
    Mobility Analyst Specialist (December, 2016)
    Security Analyst Specialist Certification (December, 2016)

    Developments realized on MicroStrategy Developer and Web :
    - Schema architecture (schema objects)
    - Simple and complex metrics (KPIs)
    - Reports, Self-service Visual Insight dashboards and documents
    - URL API
    - Intelligent Cube design
    - User groups and Security filters
    - MicroStrategy administrative tool Object Manager

    Daily interactions with clients
    Use of MySQL and SQL Developer
    Knowledge of Business Objects reporting

    Scrum metholodgy applied in projects
  • AMI Software, Cambridge UK - Pre Sales & Post Sales Consultant

    2015 - 2016 Pre sales: demo, understanding of prospects requirements and what information may constitute insights in industries
    Evaluation process with prospects
    Training (WebEx or on-site) & Webinars
    Creation of training and support materials
    Functional assistance - Dealing quickly with customers requests, issues and questions
    Customers Satisfaction and Accounts Management
    Experience with cloud-based/SaaS solution offerings
    Sponsoring AMI EI software within our clients companies to extend projets' scope
    Daily interactions with Sales, R&D and Technical teams
    Liaison with Third party companies as publishers
    Document the details of the presales and post sales cycles in Salesforce.com
    Awareness and curiosity in very diversified industries
  • AMI Software France - Engineer specialist in Market Intelligence Platform - Project management, Assistance & Training

    2014 - 2015 - Functional Training (on-site or remotely) in French and English
    - Functional assistance and consultancy all along Market Intelligence projects
    - Workshops to define the scope and understand the needs and requirements
    - Set up of MI subjects on the AMI platform on customer behalf if requested
    - Services proposals
  • 2iE - International Institute for Water and Environmental Engineering - Market Intelligence Officer

    2013 - 2014 Collaborative agreements
    Coordinator of the Task Force Projects
    Organise answers to international call for tenders (World Bank, etc.)
    Staff training on Genius Project software
    Audit and Review of Strategic Orientation Plan of 2iE (strategic indicators)
    One week Seminar in Dakar, Senegal organised by the network CLEAR - CESAG - 'Projects Evaluation on Outcomes' http://www.theclearinitiative.org/center_africa.html
    Responsible for Market Intelligence and E-reputation of 2iE
    Contacts and projects management with French and English speaking partners
    Supervision and logistical organization of events in collaboration with partners
    Development of partnerships on Learning programs with the private sector
  • Energy Pool International - Département Smart Grid du Groupe Schneider Electric - Market Intelligence and Information Management Officer

    2012 - 2012 Competitive and Market Intelligence analysis
    Study and analyse of information's cycle within Energy Pool International team
    Workshops and interviews to analyse the information needs in order to implement an efficient and tailored Market Intelligence system
    Benchmark and implementation of free and non-free MI's tools available on the market
    Methodology and best practises in terms of Competitive Intelligence processes
    Web searching on Smart Grid and Demand-Response events everywhere in the world
    Capitalisation and storage of international data on energy sector from several databases
    Search for very specific databases for acquisition
    Creation of a EPI news releases
    Training on web search (Google, search engines, browsers, rss readers, etc.)
    Solutions on collaborative sharing
    Training of EPI's team and Managers on MI tools

    2011 - 2011 Présentation orale (ouverte au public) devant un jury sur le Records Management et ses enjeux pour les entreprises.
  • Université de Moncton, Campus de Shippagan, CANADA - ASSISTANTE DE RECHERCHE

    2011 - 2011 Aide à la rédaction d’un article scientifique sur la veille stratégique.
  • ICOMTEC et Université de Moncton, Campus de Shippagan, CANADA - Chargée de valorisation du Colloque Scientifique international sur l’Information et la Communication

    2011 - 2012 Organisation du COSSI, Colloque Scientifique International Spécialisé en Sciences de l'Information, qui a eu lieu à l'IAE de Poitiers les 19 et 20 Juin 2012.

    Gestion de la logistique, de la communication et de la valorisation (gestion des retombées presse, etc.) du COSSI.
  • INRA - Institut National de Recherche Agronomique - CHARGEE D’AUDIT DE LA COMMUNICATION INTERNE

    Paris 2010 - 2010 Audit de la communication interne et préconisations dans les outils de communication.
  • Service communication ICOMTEC - Pôle Valorisation - CHARGEE DE VEILLE

    2010 - 2010 Veille image (e-reputation) sur l'ICOMTEC :
    - redéfinir les axes de la veille ;
    - définir et collecter les sources d'informations ;
    - réaliser des études statistiques ;
    - apporter des préconisations pour améliorer et optimiser la présence de l'ICOMTEC sur Internet

    2008 - 2008 Organisation d'une réception d'étudiants internationaux.
  • Nouvelle République Communication - ASSISTANTE COMMERCIALE

    Aubervilliers 2008 - 2008 Suivi et commercialisation d’encarts publicitaires;
    Création de maquettes et de propositions commerciales;
    Gestion d'un portefeuille clients.



Annuaire des membres :