Mes compétences :
Microsoft Word
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Excel
- Stagiaire
Issy-les-Moulineaux2017 - 2017Use of sub-marine video for knowledge and monitoring of benthic megafauna:
Benthic sub-marine video have been analyzed in order to compare it with
data collected by trawling, notably compare their taxonomic composition or the value of
their disturbance indicator (Trawl Disturbance Indicator) for each transect. The purpose of
this study was also to create software (AviNotes) capable to improve precision and time of
video analysis usually done manually. Analysis permitted to highlight complementarity
between data collected by sub-marine video and by trawling, but also to count marks of
bottom-trawling on the sea bed, to characterize the superficial sediment and to determine
burrows density for each video analyzed. AviNotes has allowed initiating automatization
process in sub-marine video analysis; several algorithms have been tested in order to detect
a maximum of organisms/objects on the video. Further studies are nonetheless needed to
improve some results like disturbance indicator which is not reflecting well the one found for
trawling data and to continue to improve tools for video analysis.
University Centre Of The Westfjords, UNAK (Isafjordur)
Isafjordur2017 - maintenantMaster of Resource Management
Coastal and Marine Management is an international, multidisciplinary master’s program in natural resource management. The program is especially built on the principle and practice of biology, sociology, economics and business studies. By the end of the program students understand the innumerable and valuable resources of the coast and oceans, understand their significance, and have versed themselv
UE de printemps à Roscoff (6 semaines de mars à avril) sur la diversité et l'écologie des écosystèmes côtiers
Avril-juin 2016: Stage sur la distribution de la population des baleines Minke dans la baie de Skjálfandi sur une période de 10 ans à Husavik en Islande.
Pratique des des tests statistiques de bases sur R pendant le stage et utilisation de la photo-identification pour mettre à jour les cat
Initiation à l’océanographie (observatoire océanographique de Villefranche-sur-Mer) : récoltes (filets WP2, bouteille Niskin), observations, identifications du plancton marin (10 jours)
« Sciences participatives et environnement alpins, récoltes de données naturalistes au col du Lautaret » avec l’association Timarcha (8 jours) : Spipoll, Vigichiro