


En résumé

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  • EADS-ASTRIUM - Ingénieur

    Blagnac maintenant
  • EADS Astrium - Ingénieur Matériaux et procédés

    Blagnac 1996 - maintenant
  • EADS-ASTRIUM - Ingénieur

    Blagnac 1996 - 2008 Experience

    Since 2008 EADS-ASTRIUM: Project's support team manager within the Materials and Processes department.

    2006 - 2008 EADS-ASTRIUM: Materials & Processes Quality team member. In charge of projects support, suppliers survey & Production Audit.

    2002 - 2006 EADS-ASTRIUM: Thermal system architect for the new European high power Satcom (called @BUS) development and responsible of the definition and follow up of the associated new technologies in thermal control domain.

    1996 - 2002 EADS-ASTRIUM: Telecom satellite thermal system architect on several projects. Responsible of R&D projects on advanced technologies for satcom heat rejection capability enhancement (E.g.: Deployable radiators and single-phase/two-phases fluid loops + patents author).

    1994 - 1996 DASSAULT AVIATION: New materials, new technologies & new processes development responsible (mainly in metallurgy, surface treatments/tribology and thermal control device).

    1990 - 1994 DASSAULT AVIATION: Technical coordination of HERMES project's R&D activities related to the thermal protection subsystem and re-entry simulation.

    1988 - 1990 AIRBUS-France (Aérospatiale): Aerodynamic analyses departement. Ground effect analyses/new calculation methodes definition. Participation to the A310-300 “extended range” certification file building.

    1982 - 1988 AIRBUS-France (Aérospatiale): Structure Design office – A320 & A330/A340 Engine Pylon structure definition + ATR42 wing structure. Participation to the nex generation CAO system selection.


  • Conservatoire National Des Arts Et Métiers CNAM (Toulouse)

    Toulouse 1983 - 1989 Aérodynamique

    Formation continue


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