Saint Ouen
Site technical manager in different place around the world
Site technical coordinator/expert in Canada, Argentina, Egypt and Kingdom of Bahrain for project between 2 M€ to 180 M€.
Commissioning manager with direct management of 55 people
Commissioning engineer in the biggest electrolysis plants like UPJ, Dubal, Egyptalum, Alcan, Aluar, Russal, for subway system & S.V.C. network grid
Erection and commissioning manager of 132 kv G.I.S, 225 to 11 kv transformers, 15 to 80 kA thyristor and diodes rectifier, software’s and automations modification in live, S.V.C.
Spécialisations : Expert in site coordination.
Excellent mastery of computer tools.
Very good understanding of HV and LV equipment.
Speaks fluently english, french, Spanish and Portuguese
Mes compétences :
Suivi de chantiers
Pas de formation renseignée