Fives Cail
- Sales Director
2008 - maintenant
FIVES CAIL (www.fivesgroup.com) belongs to Fives group and is a one of the world leading companies for engineering, design and equipment supply for sugar and ethanol Industries.
My responsibilities cover:
- development of the sales of the Company and its subsidiaries (€ 40 million)
- management and support of the commercial team (13 Area Sales Managers in 6 different offices) and after sale department (20 peoples)
- animation of international network thought local agents, partners, representation office,
- writing and negotiation of contracts, in relation with the legal department, for the sales of complete projects (from single equipment to the environed project such as a workshop or a turn-key)
- project finance with the financial direction (Banks, Coface, Ministry of Industry).
- follow-up until coming into force of the contract with L/Cs or buyer's credit,
- implement the marketing and communication policy of the company
Fives Lille do Brasil
- Managing Director
2004 - 2008
FIVES LILLE do BRASIL (www.fivesgroup.com) belongs to Fives group and is the Brazilian based subsidiary of one of the world leading companies for engineering, design and equipment supply for sugar and ethanol Industries.
In four years, the company grew from 3 people to 11. The turn over grew from 400 k€ to 6.000 k€.
Was in charge of managing the subsidiary with full autonomy regarding all aspects in relation with the development of this structure, such as, administrative aspects, proposal elaboration, sales, and contract management, purchase, etc...
Fives Cail
- Department Manager
1995 - 2004
2001 --> 2004: Catalog Product Department Manager
1998 -->2001: R&D Department Manager
1995 --> 1998: Proposal Engineer
- R&D Engineer
1993 - 1995
SIO (Socièté Industrielle des Oléagineux) belongs to ADM group (www.admworld.com) and is an edible oil producer for specific application.
- Development of formulations of edible oils and fats for specific requirements (melting profile, nutritional profile,... ) using hydrogenation, interstratification processes, etc…at the lab and pilot scale.
Applexion Inc, - Novasep
- R&D Engineer
1992 - 1993
Applexion Inc. was the US based subsidiary of Applexion Novasep (www.novasep.com), leader in innovative purification solutions for life sciences applications.
- Erection, start-up and optimisation of a chromatography separtion pilot plant for cane sugar molasses at Louisiana State University (USA).