
Claire-Hélène COGEZ


En résumé

10+ years’ experience in pharmaceutical industry throughout different positions (marketing, sales and MSL) both at affiliate and global level - Passionate about helping transform the lives of patients
- Recognized for my ability to deal with challenging situations in a fast-evolving environment, for my expertise in reaching launch excellence and in leading cross-functional best-practices projects
- Recognized to build strong / long-term relationship with key stakeholders and to work effectively in cross-functional team
- Core commercial skill set (strategy and tactics) with a “determined” attitude and results oriented
- Oncology expertise (colorectal, gastric, brain, cancer pain, breast, endocrine tumor, and NHL)

Mes compétences :
Chef de produit
Business plan
Business development


  • Servier - International Senior Product Manager

    Suresnes 2015 - maintenant - Launch of the mCRC indication in cross-functional team: contribute and deliver the global launch product strategy, analyze the evolving market environment, translate the strategy / positioning and insights into messaging and emotional storytelling, ensure effective rollout and consistent implementation of the global product strategy and tactics with the affiliates, close collaboration with the affiliates to address their needs, develop and foster a patient-centric strategy, disseminate worldwide global initiatives, handle third party agencies, budget planning
    - Lead a mCRC worldwide patient support program to help transform the lives of patients and their family affected by CRC: road-map definition, co-creation with an international multidisciplinary experts committee and with patient advocacy groups, embark internal and external stakeholders (affiliates), foster "with-patients" activities to the affiliates, implementation of a multi-channel / education platform to support patients / carers / HCPs throughout their mCRC journey
    - Contribution to the co-creation with international KOLs of a ready-to-use program to identify disparities in patient management across the world: gather insights on current clinical practices for mCRC patients’ management, foster HCPs reflection on optimal management
    - Contribution to the preparation of the mGC indication launch
    - Contribution to the Oncology Franchise creation within Sevier
  • Archimedes Pharma - Responsable médico-marketing

    Lille 2009 - 2014 Responsable médico-marketing Gliadel® (neuro-oncologie, neurochirurgie) et Medical Liaison Specialist PecFent® (antalgique opioïde fort)
    Préparation du lancement de Zomorph® LP (antalgique opioïde fort) et d’un antiparkinsonien
  • Archimedes Pharma - Medical Science Liaison

    Lille 2007 - 2009 MSL pour PecFent (antalgique opioide)
    Management de 2 essais de phase 3
    activités de sensibilisation et de notoriété
  • Novartis - BU Oncologie - Chef de produit

    2005 - 2006 Chef de produit junior Sandostatine® (oncologie, endocrinologie)
    Chef de produit junior Femara® (oncologie)
  • Direct Medica - Délégué médical

    Boulogne-Billancourt 2005 - 2005 Promotion à distance d'un blockbuster Pfizer, par le biais d'un outil informatique - internet et couplage téléphonique, sur une cible de médecins pré-établie
  • Roche - BU Oncologie Hématologie - Chef de produit junior

    2004 - 2004 Chef de produits junior MabThera® (onco-hématologie)
    Thèse de Pharmacie : comment optimiser la promotion d'un médicament innovant à l'hôpital en 2004 – 2005 : une nouvelle approche de visite médicale pour MabThera®


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