
Clemence BORDIER


En résumé

Compétences méthodologies : Gestion de projets complexes / multi acteurs, gestion d’équipe, reporting, communication, élaboration de spécifications fonctionnelles et techniques,
gestion de la performance
Compétences techniques : Optique, diffusion et absorption de la lumière, imagerie biomédicale,
mathématique appliquée, simulation et modélisation, physique du
rayonnement électromagnétique, formation d’images, traitement d’images

Mes compétences :


  • GE healthcare - IQ System Engineer

    2010 - maintenant
  • Columbia University, New York City - Post doc researcher

    2008 - 2010 Monte Carlo Modeling for 3D Optical Imaging of Mesoscopic Volumes
    - Implemented a Monte Carlo based model of light propagation
    - Developed a histology based optical model of human skin.
    - Validated the model with experimental measurements using the LOT system (Laminar
    Optical Tomography)
    - Reviewed Scientific papers
    - Supervisory staff of a Ph.D.
    - Participated in scientific conferences (OSA-2008, Vermont-2009)
  • Nanosciences institut of Paris - Post doc researcher

    2007 - 2008 Modelisation of the optical properties of Pieris Brasicae 's wings.
  • Paris 5 university - Physics teacher

    2006 - 2006 Physics Teacher for 1st year Medicine Students
  • Nanoscience Institute of Paris, - Phd

    2004 - 2007 Development of a diffuse optical model (calculation codes in Fortran) in multilayered
    inhomogeneous media including polarization effects.
    Diffuse optical measurements on organic matter using a spectro-scatterometter.
    Improvement of the apparatus for polarization measurements.
    Imaging of the diffuse backscattering Muller matrices. (performed at Polytechnique
    laboratory (LPICM))
    Supervisory staff of trainees.



Annuaire des membres :