
Clément FLEURY


En résumé

Je cherche à m'investir dans des projets d'envergure internationale tout en participant à l'amélioration des processus au sein d'une entité, et pourquoi pas gérer une équipe.

J'ai passé deux ans (2008-2010) en tant que Chef de Projet MOE dédié à l'intégration de progiciels pour BNP Paribas (CMMI3, JEE, ASP.Net, SQL Server).
J'ai auparavant été développeur web pour BNP Paribas un an (2007-2008) (CMMI3, PHP5, Oracle, MySQL, AJAX), et pour Orange un an (2006-2007) (PHP5, MySQL, AJAX).

Pour mon projet de fin d'études à l'ENSIMAG (INPG) et en Master 2, j'ai passé 6 mois (2006) à Singapour en tant que Guest Researcher au laboratoire I2R-IPAL pour la création d'un système de recherche d'images annotées (C++).

Mes compétences :
Configuration informatique
Gestion de projet


  • ALTER SOLUTIONS ENGINEERING - Lead developer / project manager

    Versailles 2011 - maintenant
  • BNP Paribas - Project Manager for software integration – CMMI3, JEE, ASP.Net, SQL Server

    Paris 2008 - maintenant I am in charge of BNP Paribas' innovation management and translation tools integration. Quality, planning and budget management. In CMMI3 re-certification context of the entity.

    - Translation tool. 25000 requests per day, 200 000 potential users. After recovering the existing solution, I have migrated the application to another software, and the production environment to new servers.
    - Innovation management tool. More than 20 000 suggestions processed, 50 000 active usres. I took over the management of this application. Documented the application and the management processes with respect to CMMI3 model.
    - Multilingual dictionaries : I fully managed the project from the editor's choice to the public roll-out.
  • BNPParibas - Intranet applications maintenance – CMMI3, PHP5, Oracle, MySQL, AJAX

    Paris 2007 - 2008 I correct the issues, implement the evolutions, carry on the graphical, functional and structural upgrades of BNP Paribas' Internal Communications' applications. Integration of the clients' needs, functional and technical requirements writing, development and testing. CMMI3 context.

    This experience involves project management skills in CMMI3 context, with functional and technical specifications writing, planning and pricing. Good communication abilities are essential to express the contractor's needs into requirements. Technical skills (PHP5, Oracle, MySQL, AJAX) are crucial in order to carry on the product's development, considering web efficiency, ergonomics and accessibility constraints.

    The applications are highly heterogeneous from the management point of view :
    - applications developed and maintained in-house, developed externally company and maintained in-house, or fully developed and maintained externally, shared or dedicated hosting, ...
    - several clients and contractors
    As well as from the technical point of view :
    - many environments (PHP5 / Zend Framework, MySQL, Oracle)
  • Orange - Orange's online assistance restructuring – PHP5, MySQL, AJAX

    Paris 2006 - 2007 Web development within Orange's online assistance team : . I took part in the integration of the mobile and fix online assistances into the Orange's internet online assistance's back-office. My role is to improve, develop, test and validate the online assistance's back-office new functionalities.

    This mission involved high level technical skills (MySQL, PHP, UML, Merise, JavaScript (DOM), AJAX, Smarty), as well as creative skills and the ability to propose new solutions.
  • I2R-IPAL - Annotated images search engine creation – C++

    2006 - 2006 Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R) is a Singaporean leading research and development center at the cutting edge of information, communication and media technologies.

    My project consists in the design and development of a multi-modal information retrieval system. This experience involved C++ development skills, as well as natural language and image processing knowledge.

    Creativity is a highly needed virtue in order to be able to concieve efficient systems, capable of solving new problems.
  • Nalis - Web 2.0 content management system creation – UML, PHP5, MySQL, AJAX

    2005 - 2005 Nalis is a subsidiary company of Axance, specialized in web ergonomics. Nalis is a web development provider, offering many services such as web hosting, Intranet and Extranet development...

    The goal of my internship is the conception and implementation in PHP5 of a web-based website guided tour generator : .

    During this experience, I followed and managed the whole V-Model from the conception to the testing of the product.



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