


En résumé

Diplômé de l'ENSGSI, école d'ingénieurs en management et gestion de projets innovants, puis chargé de projets dans différents domaines, je suis fondateur et manager d’Échappée Australe.

Échappée Australe organise vos voyages en Afrique, en particulier en Afrique Australe et sur les îles de l'Océan Indien. Nos connaissances approfondies des destinations nous permettent de vous proposez des voyages sur mesure véritablement hors des sentiers battus qui correspondent à vos envies et à votre budget.

Pour en savoir plus, n'hésitez pas à visiter notre site internet.

Mes compétences :
Gestion de projet
Tourisme responsable
Traduction anglais français


  • Échappée Australe - Gérant

    Thionville 2014 - maintenant Création d'un tour-opérateur sur internet spécialisé dans l'insolite et dans la découverte des pays de l'Afrique Australe.
    Mise en place d'une campagne de crowdfunding.
  • SAMREC - Volontaire

    2013 - 2014 SAMREC (South Africa Marine Rehabilitation and Education Centre), basée à Port Elizabeth (Afrique du Sud) est une association soignant les oiseaux marins sud-africains.
    En tant que volontaire, j'étais responsable:
    - des soins
    - du nourrissage
    - du nettoyage du centre
    - de la supervision des autres volontaires et du bon fonctionnement du centre en l'absence du manager
    - de la réception des oiseaux blessés
    - des visites et de l'accueil du public
  • 4 Pieds en Afrique - Responsable contenu multimédia

    2013 - 2014 Tâche principale: développement d'une plate-forme internet mettant en avant les richesses touristiques de l'Afrique du Sud.
    Tâches secondaires: organisation et planification de voyages, conseils aux voyageurs.

    Résultats: Site internet visité 11 500 fois
  • Artéva - Analyste-Concepteur EDI

    Champagne-au-Mont-d'Or 2012 - 2013
  • CAPEMM - Trainee - Project Manager

    2011 - 2011 CAPEMM: Agency for the development and the planning of the department
    (Nancy – France)

    Research of opportunity and feasibility on the use of natural fibers reinforced concrete.

    One of the targets was the identification of resources for the project.
    I was responsible of the overall planning and I organized meetings for tracking the schedule and the risks.
    The project included political aspects due to the variety of stake holders.
    I also had to manager change due to permanent re organization, impacting fluctuating targets.

    Skills particularly developed: project management, meetings organization, working in a changing environment,self management, market research, business plan, Swot analysis, Porter fives forces analysis, planning and GANTT chart.
  • Projects Abroad - Volunteer - Teaching assistant

    Saint-Chamond 2010 - 2010 Projects Abroad (Cape Town - South Africa)
    Hillwood Primary School

    Humanitarian aid – Teaching assistant.

    Trained students of grade 3, shared knowledge with teachers, mostly in personality types impacted the learning ability.

    Skills particularly developed: Training, Sharing knowledge, capacity for adaptation.
  • CHR Metz - Trainee - Project Manager

    2009 - 2010 Metz regional hospital (Metz – France)

    Industrial Project: process optimization

    As a Project Manager, I optimized the hospital's purchasing process.
    I managed the project with 4 students in a complex environment for creating a data base and modeling the process.
    Budget: € 6 000

    Skills particularly developed: project management, team working, reporting, planning, GANTT & PERT charts , data base management,optimization, application of Taguchi methods, understanding complex environments
  • Laboratoire d'Analyses Médicales Houpert - Trainee - Technician

    2008 - 2008 Houpert Medical Laboratory (Thionville - France)

    Technician Support about the Metrology System and development of the Quality System with associated writing Procedures.
    I also trained colleagues for computer's knowledge, in particular for Microsoft Office.

    Skills particularly developed: Metrology, Quality, Writing Procedures, Training.
  • A Plus Construction - Trainee - Project Manager

    2008 - 2009 A Plus Construction (Meuse – France)

    Industrial Project: new business activity's development

    As a Project Manager, I coordinated a group of 4 students and I was the Single Point of contact between the Project Team and the company for reporting.
    The project was to provide the company managers with the information needed to develop a new business activity.

    Skills particularly developed: project management, team working, reporting, planning, organization, scientific knowledge
  • ENSGSI - Student - Project Development Manager

    2006 - 2007 ENSGSI (Nancy - France)

    Software Development

    As a Project Development Manager, I coordinated a team of 3 students and I trained them on programming.
    The target was to develop a Software simulating ants' AI.
    The main steps were the definition of the specifications, the writing of the algorithm and the programming.

    Skills particularly developed: Project Management, Programming, Algorithm's writing, Training, Planning
  • Rehau Morhange - Trainee - Lineworker

    2005 - 2005 REHAU (Morhange - France)

    Lineworker in a factory manufacturing windows.
  • Eurest - Junior cook and waiter

    Châtillon 2003 - 2003 Eurest in the European Parliament (Luxembourg)
  • Eurest - Junior cook and waiter

    Châtillon 2002 - 2002 Eurest in Schifflange Home Care (Luxembourg)
  • Eurest - Junior cook and waiter

    Châtillon 2001 - 2001 Eurest in BNP-Paribas (Luxembourg)



Annuaire des membres :