


En résumé

I have been bringing my skills in Project Management, Change Management and Marketing to serve Sopra Consulting's customers.

After this experience as a Functional CRM Senior Consultant at Sopra Consulting, I decided to ride a bike all around South America following the Andes during 10 months.

I am currently looking for a job position as a CRM Project Manager in a company based in any English-speaking or Spanish-speaking country : USA, Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, Ireland, Chile, Mexico, Colombia, Spain...

I would be really interested in a project with an international context, as I speak fluently French, English and Spanish.

Project Management, Control and Budgetary Management on CRM Siebel & Oracle CRM On Demand projects

Oracle CRM SIEBEL & CRM Oracle On Demand
Adobe Creatie Suite
MS Project, MS Visio, MS Office
SAP R3 : MM and SD Modules

French | Mother tongue
English | Fluent (TOEIC : 950/990 Level : Professional Mastery of International English)
Spanish | Fluent (Academic exchange in University ITESM in Mexico ; 10 months bike-trip around South America, 3 months internship in Barcelona

Motivated, results-focused, optimistic, proactive, organised and energetic.

Mes compétences :
Centre d'appels
Contrôle de gestion
Gestion de projets
Oracle CRM On Demand
Conduite du changement
Gestion de projet
Gestion de la relation client
Oracle Siebel CRM
Project Management
Microsoft Office
Siebel CRM
Oracle CRM
Microsoft Excel
Logistics Management
Customer Relationship Management
Change Management
workshop planning
solution development
sales forecast
research skills
managed internal communications campaigns
data analysis
coordination skills
Users feedback analysis
Tenders Management
SAP HR travel expenses
Requirements Gathering
Project Management experience
Problem Solving
Needs analysis
Microsoft Windows
Microsoft Visio
Managed the business
Inventory Management
Financial Management
CMMi - Capability Maturity Model Integration
Agile Methodology


  • Salesforce - Business Development Representative

    PARIS 2016 - maintenant
  • Decathlon - Vendeur Conseiller - Rayon Cycles

    Villeneuve d'Ascq 2015 - 2016 - Accueil et conseil du client
    - Analyse des besoins du client
    - Partage de mon expertise autour du vélo
    - Aide à la mise en place de la politique commerciale du rayon cycle, définition du plan de masse, choix de gamme des produits
    - Pilotage de l’activité : gestion des opérations commerciales, stocks
    - Fidélisation des clients en leur présentant l'offre et les services du magasin

    Objectif : Augmenter le CA du rayon (1,5 million € en 2014)
  • Sopra Steria - CRM Senior Consultant

    Paris 2011 - 2015 Consulting Four years as a Consultant for Sopra Consulting, helping the clients to use digital technologies to reach
    sustainable growth in their operational, economic and social performance.
    Paris, France Intervened in various CRM and Contact Center projects in French companies in the Energy (Electricity
    * Corporate and Gas) and Banking Industries.
    Consulting EDF, Energy Industry, 16 months - Project Management Functional Consultant
    * 14 000 employees Transformation of the Oracle Siebel CRM system for about 8 000 end-users in a legal European context ;
    * Turnover : EUR 1,2B of ending regulated tariffs on electricity and gas. ;
    * Requirements gathering ;
    * Involved in workshop planning and facilitation ;
    * Listenned actively the end-users during the workshops and individually for more specific
    * Studied the market on a legal basis to be in accordance with the last judicial framework
    * Participation in the design stage workshops ;
    * Analyzed the needs collected and identified gaps to drive improvements on the processes
    * Edited the requirements specifications for the latest release
    * Brought functionnal expertise to the technical team ;
    * Project Management (Agile methodology) ;
    * Managed actions, issues and risks identified on the project
    * Conducted root cause analysis and solved the issues and risks with a mitigation plan
    * Escalated the issues to the Project Manager and his management
    * Ensured that the prioritization of the deliverable was respected and that they were delivered
    on time to the customer
    * Launch of the tool ;
    * Worked on the kick-off along with the technical team the day of the launch
    * Reinforced functional assistance during the first two weeks following the launch
    * Following-up of the launch through regular kick-off gathering
    * Successful launch due to this following-up : no delay in the initial planning

    Key accomplishments :
    * Achieved the transformation of the CRM system before the deadline imposed by the legal
    environment in the Energy Industry in Europe
    * Ameliorated and optimized the customer underwriting process to gas and electricity supply
    * Achieved the reduction of the number of clicks to complete the underwriting process to gas
    and electricity supply

    Sopra Steria Engie (GDF Suez), Energy Industry, 12 months - Change Management Consultant

    Consulting Change Management on a new Service Center set-up for 400 end-users on a Cosmocom Technology
    * Change Management
    Paris, France * Coordinated the communication between the Functional and the Technical teams
    * Corporate * Planned and managed internal communications campaigns
    Transformation * Facilitated clients through working sessions and solution development for sensitive issues
    Consulting * Performed data analysis and performance measurement to quantify and qualify the impacts
    * 14 000 employees Key accomplishments :
    * Turnover : EUR 1,2B * Sustained strong and trusted relationships with all the business partners

    BNP Paribas, Banking Industry, 16 months - Project Management Consultant
    Management of a call for tenders aiming at industrializing a Videoconference software for 1000 bank
    branch offices and 500 end-users in a service center.
    * Call for tenders management ;
    * Identified and analyzed the functional needs ;
    * Edited the content of the call for tenders along with the technical teams
    * Managed the broadcasting of the call for tenders to the tenderers
    * Designed a support decision tool on Excel ;
    * Procured and evaluated offers from the three sub-contractors
    * Organized and animated the interviews with the sub-contractors
    * Project Management following required norms ;
    * Edited the requirements in accordance with BNP Paribas' standards
    * Modelled processes with the BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) method
    * Kept track of the Project's resources (financial and human) and planning on Microsoft Project
    * Composed the kick-off planning
    Key accomplishments :
    * Cumplied with the CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration) requirements
    * Achieved agreement on program deliverables and completion dates in partnership with
    various stakeholders
  • Sony Mobile - Key Account Manager

    Puteaux 2009 - 2010 Financial and Logistics Management on SAP and Excel of a Client Portfolio composed of four main
    stakeholders on the French Telecommunications market (Orange, The Phone House, Virgin Mobile and
    * Telecommunications Coriolis Telecom)
    * 8 000 employees ;
    * Turnover : $6,29B * Management of a client portfolio of four customers : Orange, The Phone House, Virgin Mobile and
    Coriolis Telecom.
    * Defined the weekly sales forecast plan and compiled and analyzed sales figures
    * Promoted the complete product range of Sony Mobile to the clients by making persuasive
    presentations and defining service offers
    * Negotiated business conditions with clients in accordance with the rules defined with the
    Country Manager
    * Managed the business cases achieved from these negotiations
    * Increased and improved the relationship with the customer
    * Monitored competitor products, sales and marketing activities
    * Financial Management of this client portofolio ;
    * Developped sales strategies to maximize the sales opportunities reaching the targets and
    goals set by Sony Mobile
    * Edited the debit notes and credit notes on SAP Sales & Distribution (SAP SD Module)
    * Followed-up these debit and credit notes and their clearance
    * Participated in the quarterly closing with the Cross Controls Team
    * Logistics Management of this client portfolio ;
    * Followed-up the sales on SAP Material & Management (SAP MM Module) : invoice
    verification, inventory management...
    * Analyzed these features with the goal of accelerating productivity and reducing the costs
    * No main delay or supplying lack was noted on this client portfolio

  • Bouygues Energies & Services - CRM Assistant Project Manager

    MONTIGNY LE BRETONNEUX 2009 - 2009 Energie & Deployment of the package software CRM Oracle CRM On Demand (OCOD)
    Project scope : 1000 end-users in France, Switzerland, England and Hungary
    Services * Project management
    Paris, France * Assisted the Project Manager on the plan development
    * Construction * Worked on the budget-making process in accordance with the goals defined by the Director
    Industry * Performed clerical tasks including filing, emailing and booking appointments
    * 12 500 employees * Workshops facilitation ;
    * Turnover : EUR 1,8B * Planned all the workshops following a specific planning given by the Project Manager ;
    * Animated the workshops along with a team of three Consultants ;
    * Collected the relevant needs from the end-users ;
    * Needs analysis ;
    * Analyzed the content of the needs reported during the workshops ;
    * Reported the needs collected ;
    * Training sessions ;
    * Organized the training sessions planning ;
    * Animated some training sessions in French and English with specific training tools (MS
    Powerpoint, case studies, active listening, self scoring, 360 assessments)
    * Successful training sessions : a low number of calls to the hotline have been reported ;
    * Users feedback analysis ;
    * Monitored the users feedback and addressed the defects on a regular basis
  • BOUYGUES ENERGIES ET SERVICES - Assistant chef de projet Système d'Informations

    2009 - 2009 Déploiement d’un outil CRM (Oracle CRM On Demand): étude des besoins, lancement du logiciels, formations des utilisateurs, ajustement par retours d'expérience
  • Bouygues Construction - Contrôleur de Gestion

    GUYANCOURT 2008 - 2008 Préparation du contrôle budgétaire de l'exercice comptable
    - Analyse du budget 2007 et étude des écarts
    - Actualisation du budget de 2008
  • CALYON - Assistant en Gestion de Crédits Documentaires

    Montrouge 2006 - 2006 Utilisation et gestion de moyens de paiement à l’international (crédit documentaire)
  • Jamones Sala - Assistant Commercial

    2006 - 2006 Mission marketing de prospection du marché du Jambon Serrano en France, Autriche et Angleterre
  • ATEIS France - Assistant Commercial

    2006 - 2006 Mission marketing de prospection du marché marocain de la sonorisation Public-address
  • SNC Leroux - Chargé d'Export

    2005 - 2005 Chargé de transition et déclaration en douane, suivi de dossiers, vérification de documents, relations avec les clients



Annuaire des membres :