MARS Petcare
- Factory Project Engineer
2013 - maintenant
* Project Manager for critical resourcing in the canning technology network ;
* Co-create the business case ;
* Lead a cross functional team responsible for the transfer and installation of production assets between two European factories. ;
* Manage the technical team responsible for the implant of the equipment in an existing factory ;
* Overall budget owner ;
* Coordinate resourcing of volume whilst ensuring continuous markets supply
* Technical Project Engineer ;
* Responsible for execution of capital projects starting from project scope definition to start-up:
- Civil Engineering: Roof replacement of production unit & Silo replacement ;
- Q&FS: Integration of can x-ray equipment on existing line ;
- Utilities: Flue gas cooler
MARS Food Europe
- R&D - Product Developer
2010 - 2013
* Technology Development ;
* Support production line implementation of dinner meal kit - Process optimisation & CCP validation. ;
* Development and implementation of a flavoured puffed rice using mixing technology
* Applied extrusion technology to create a low density flavoured rice.
* Product Development ;
* R&D divisional lead in two critical innovations: - Riz à Poêler - Sterilised milk rice in pouch.
MARS Chocolate
- Intern - - R&D European Ingredients and Nutrition Team
2009 - 2010
* Improve nutritional value of A-brand bar - Development of low calorie-highly satiating prototypes. ;
* Design an experimental set-up measuring consumer satisfaction resulting of snack bars consumption
- Intern
2007 - 2007
* Stevia rebaudiana - Comparative study of sweetener compounds extraction from the leaves.
- Pratical internship
2006 - 2006
Operators on two packaging line