2008 - 2008Simumation of the distribution of the fracture-associated hydrothermal dolomites in platform limestones in Ranero, Spain (Gocad)
The modeling was based on the interpretation of aerial photos (ArcGis), geological map and the creation of geological cross-sections.
NADER F.-H., DUMONT C., et al. From field study to numerical modeling of hydrothermal dolomitization in Early Cretaceous platform carbonates (Cantabrian mountains, northern Spain). Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 2009.
NADER F.-H., DUMONT C., et al. Hydrothermal dolomites: from conceptual to numerical models. 5th workshop of the International Lithosphere Program - Task Force on Sedimentary Basins, 2009.
Total (Pau, France)
- Geologist in internship (2 months)
2007 - 2007Analysis of microfracturation in sandstone, as a strain (North Sea field)
MEB and CL Observations