
Cyril FIAT


En résumé

I joined SJ Berwin's (KWM now) Private Funds team as a qualified lawyer in November 2007, where I began my carreer in George Pinkham's team. I worked closely with Nathalie Duguay, Arnaud David and Xavier Comaills.

From 2011 to 2012 I was an associate in the Paris office of Mayer Brown (Funds team) and Ihave been invited to join Xavier Comaills' team in 2012 at Ashurst.

In June 2013, I followed Xavier's move to Clifford Chance Europe LLP, where I'm now a senior associate in the Private Investment Fund team in Paris. I'm acquiring more experience in the structuration and creation of Private Equity and Real Estate investment funds for major GPs and leading investment companies.

I have been seconded 6 months to Clifford Chance London office (Fund's team) in 2013/2014

Where I graduated :
- 2005 Université Paris Dauphine - DESS (postgraduate degree) in Business Law.
- 2004 ESC Grenoble - Programme Grande Ecole.
- 2004 Université Pierre Mendes France – Grenoble II - Master in Business Law.

Bilingual in English, French and good working knowledge of German.

Member of the Paris Bar since November 2007.

Specialized in private equity investment fund formation and structuring, for French (FPCI/FPS/SLP), international (limited partnerships, Lux SIF and Lux Soparfi) and pan-European funds in all areas:
- venture,
- growth capital,
- buy-out,
- fund of funds,
- co-investment,
- mezzanine,
- real estate and infrastructure.

Expertise in setting up regulated portfolio management companies and carried-interest schemes for management teams.

I advise French or paneuropean investment funds and institutional investors on their portfolio investments and divestments (secondaries).

French (FPCI/FPS/SLP), international (limited partnerships, Lux SIFs and Lux Soparfi) and pan-European funds in all areas: venture, growth capital, buy-out, fund of funds, co-investment, mezzanine, real estate and infrastructure.

Mes compétences :
Avocat d'affaires
Droit des affaires
Private Equity


  • Clifford Chance - Avocat à la Cour - Senior associate - Private Funds

    Paris 2013 - maintenant We are particularly focussed on closed-ended private equity, real estate and infrastructure funds, and work closely with our colleagues in the firm's private equity, real estate and energy and infrastructure groups.

    The firm also advises investors in such funds, including pension funds, insurance companies, funds-of-funds and many sovereign wealth and other supra-national institutions.

    The firm advises managers on fund establishment, structuring and marketing as well as ongoing operational issues, secondary transactions and restructuring mandates.

    We also actively advise our clients on their licensing and regulatory requirements, an area which has seen significant interest given the unprecedented regulatory change in the investment management industry, including the impact of the EU Alternative Investment Fund Management Directive.
  • Ashurst LLP - Avocat à la Cour

    2012 - 2013 Ashurst's international investment funds group draws upon its extensive structuring experience and regulatory expertise to provide cutting-edge legal solutions for clients. We have significant experience dealing with the variety of structures used in different jurisdictions, as well as the market expectations of an international investor base.

    Ashurst has specialist investment funds lawyers in London, Paris, Singapore, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Australia and the United States, who operate as a single, integrated investment funds practice. They are supported by Ashurst's international tax practice and other resources from across our global network. Wherever our clients operate and, from whichever perspective - fund manager or investor - our integrated international team is able to deliver efficient, high quality and tailored advice across multiple jurisdictions.

    We advise clients across the full range of investment funds products and asset classes. We combine technical expertise, market knowledge and partner led teams to ensure we deliver a consistent, high quality and seamless service to our clients, globally.

  • Mayer Brown - Avocat à la Cour

    Paris 2011 - 2012 Mayer Brown has an extensive global private investment funds practice involving more than 100 lawyers from across the firm’s worldwide practice areas. Mayer Brown's lawyers’ broad market experience enables fund sponsor, adviser and investor clients to structure funds and investments creatively and efficiently to maximize fund-raising flexibility and opportunities.

    Mayer Brown Private Investment Funds' practice focus on advising fund sponsors in connection with the structuring, marketing, regulation and operation of public and private investment funds in a range of jurisdictions worldwide, including emerging markets such as China, India, Central Asia and Africa
  • Linklaters LLP - Avocat stagiaire

    Paris 2007 - 2007 Département Capital Market
    Stage sous la responsabilité de Gilles Endréo – Avocat associé
    • Mise à jour de programmes EMTN, tirages EMTN.
    • Participation à la realisation d’opération d’introduction en bourse de titres de capital.
  • Shearman & Sterling LLP - Avocat stagiaire

    2007 - 2007 Département Capital Market
    Stage sous la responsabilité de Bertrand Senechal – Avocat Associé
    • Réalisation de documents de référence, actualisation de documents de référence.
    • Recherches diverses en droit des sociétés et en droit boursier.
  • SJ Berwin - Avocat

    Paris 2007 - 2011 Avocat Collaborateur dans le département de Fonds de Private Equity dirigé par George Pinkham.
    Création, structuration de fonds de capital investissement (FCPR, LP, FIP...), gestion des levée de fonds et négociations avec les investisseurs.
  • HSBC Private Bank - Avocat stagiaire

    Paris 2006 - 2006 HSBC Private Bank – Paris
    Septembre à décembre 2006
    Ingénierie et Conseil patrimonial
    Stage sous la responsabilité de Françoise le Calvez – Directeur du Conseil Patrimonial
    •Rédaction de flashs sur l’actualité patrimoniale et de notes sur des points juridiques et fiscaux.
    •Réponses à des gestionnaires de patrimoine sur des problématiques fiscales et juridiques de clients
  • Gide Loyrette Nouel - Avocat stagiaire

    Paris 2006 - 2006 GIDE LOYRETTE NOUEL – Paris
    Département Capital Market : janvier 2006 à mars 2006
    Stage sous la responsabilité d’Arnaud Duhamel, Avocat Associé
    • Rédaction de prospectus d’émissions de titres de dette ou de capital.
    • Recherches et rédaction de notes sur des thèmes divers comme le monopole bancaire, la Greenshoe Option, et recherches dans le cadre du Tome 2 de l’ouvrage « Titres et emprunts obligataires » de J.P Bouere.
  • Landwell et Associés - Stagiaire DESS

    2005 - 2005 Département Litigation: octobre 2005 à décembre 2005
    Stage sous la responsabilité de Sylvie le Damany, Avocat Associé
    • Contentieux contractuel, droit pénal des affaires
    • Rédaction de conclusions, courriers aux clients et actualisation jurisprudentielle
    Département Financial Services, avril 2005 à juin 2005
    Stage sous la responsabilité de Jean-Eric Boiron, Avocat Associé
    • Rédaction de notes sur l’émission d’OPCVM non coordonnés, l’émission de titres, la directive Prospectus, le Passeport Bancaire européen.
    • Constitution et secrétariat de sociétés, montages juridiques, apports partiels d’actifs, cession de titres.



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