I’m reliable, dynamic and flexible with a strong background in safety, rescue and energy. I’m independent and equally comfortable as a team member or leader. My interpersonal and communication skills are my strengths. I am currently looking for a job allowing me to use those skills.
2007 Driving license and car
2007 “BAFA” Patent capacity in the function of activities organizer, specialised “Modul'Action” with UFCV, passed in Pouliguen - FRANCE
2006 “CFAPSE” Certificate of training in the activities of first aids in team, passed in Ernée - FRANCE
2006 “FIA SPV” Initial training of practice of volunteer firefighter 1 & 2, passed in Mayenne - FRANCE
French - Mother tongue
English - C1 level
Spanish - B1
German - 4 academic years
Computer skills and competences :
I have experienced knowledge of Windows 7, Windows Vista, Linux and network.
I know to use computer software as excel, word, power point, open office, ...
Mes compétences :
Évaluation des risques
Système de management qualité sécurité enviro
Norme : ISO 14001, ISO 9001, OHSAS 18001
SST (Document Unique, ERP, fiche de sécurité,...)
Analyse ergonomique (activité, poste de travail,..
Informatique : word, excel, power point, access...
Développement durable et Gestion des déchets
Analyse du Facteur Humain et Gestion RH
Systèmes d'exploitation : Windows, Linux, Mac
Analyse des risques chimiques
Réglementation (Droit de l'environnement, civil,..
Informatique industrielle
Renewable energy
Dimensionnement Éolien
Dimensionnement Panneau Photovoltaïque
Performance énergétique
Audit Énergétique/Thermique/Eclairage