


En résumé

After playing in various technical functions with high stakes in relation with the customers needs, I have, these last years developed my career towards more functional and organizational missions within large groups in order to ensure the sustainability and improvement of security and global IS missions.
The combination of these aspects allows me to understand in project mode all the needs, in the area, for both enterprise and/or clients risk management and the proposal and/or implementation of SI security programs.
Missions I like to implement in partnership and cross with multi-skilled teams to meet the evolving challenges.

Mes compétences :
ISO 27001


  • SBM Offshore - Group IT Risk and Monitoring Lead

    SCHIEDAM 2013 - maintenant
  • Arval - Head of Operational Security

    Rueil-Malmaison 2012 - 2013 Operational definition of Arval Corp security rules and IS Controls in HQ’s building (Rueil Malmaison – 92) :
    => Non technical internal Audit, writer of audit report.
    => Review and improvement proposals of security policy documents.
    => Operational Security documentation writer.
    => Definition and setup of KPI and their targets.
    => Regular controls on operational security (patch management, vulnerability scans, antivirus) and verification of target achievements.
    => Definition of remediation plans in relation to production actors and the following of these plans.
    => Security Committee animation with CISO.
    => Improvement proposals of proceedings and IS securisation.
    => Privileged interface between production teams and Security Group.
  • IBM Global Services - Security and Risk Manager

    Bois-Colombes Cedex 2008 - 2012 Conformity and quality security check on IBM internal servers and a few outsourced customers inside IBM’s buildings (La Gaude – 06) :
    => Internal audits on European IBM portfolio based on ISO27002 : process documentation and effective use check .
    => Conformity of control points : configuration management, Antivirus, Patch Management, Vulnerability scan and ID Revalidation.
    => Responsible for proper execution of security processes set in place for my scope.
    => Writer of risk evaluation and action plan proposals on non-correctable vulnerability.
    => Discussion with the author of IBM internal rules when new deviations appeared and were not correctable.
    => Help in writing of customer’s security contracts and their exceptions.
    => Privileged interface for all logical security concerns.
    => Coordination of production teams in order to obtain action plans and correction dates.
  • IBM Global Services - Security Project Manager

    Bois-Colombes Cedex 2006 - 2008 Set up of an infrastructure to manage shared IDs and an individual authentication on servers inside IBM’s building (La Gaude – 06) :
    => Infrastructure setup : ITIM, CyberArk Vault, AD groups mapping to Cyberark solution
    => User’s Guide and using processes writer (end user).
    => Exploitation and documentation process writer (administrator).
    => CyberArk solution administration, 24/24 & 7/7on duty.
  • IBM Global Services - Technical Customer Manager

    Bois-Colombes Cedex 2001 - 2006 Responsible for e-business IBM outsourced clients inside IBM’s building (La Gaude – 06) :
    => Complete administration of windows servers: OS, IIS, Apache, WAS, IBM http Server.
    => Level 1 & 2 support & on duty level 3 support.
    => Relational focal point for internal teams (network, DBA, FW).
    => Technical and relational focal point for the customer.
    => Go live of new clients.
    => Project management of administration tasks-facilitation projects.
    => Project management and supervision of transfer of administration tasks to low-cost countries.
  • IBM Global Services - Transition Operator

    Bois-Colombes Cedex 2000 - 2001 Responsible for the transition of customers managed by the IBM Command Center inside IBM’s building (La Gaude – 06) :
    => Testing, validation and writing : restart processes, server connections, stop and restart servers and their applications, and tivoli monitoring validation.
    => Communication, to the production teams, of problems facing exploitation documentation.
  • IBM Global Services - Production Operator

    Bois-Colombes Cedex 2000 - 2000 1st level support for hosted and IBM outsourced clients inside IBM’s building (La Gaude – 06).
    => SAP transactions
    => servers monitoring
    => scripts and procedures execution (clusters swap, payroll batchs etc.)
    => applications and servers stop and restart
  • IBM Global Services - Programmer

    Bois-Colombes Cedex 1999 - 1999 Inside Organic’s building (Sophia Antipolis – 06) :
    => Programmer of ksh and PL/SQL backup scripts.
    => programmer of ksh an PL/SQL data processing batchs.
    => Administration and design of Business Object universes for all branches of Organic.
  • IBM Global Services - Programmer

    Bois-Colombes Cedex 1999 - 1999 For an internal IBM project inside IBM EMEA West’s buildings (Noisy le grand – 93) :
    => Graphical interface programmer using C language for a pricing software project.
    => Exploitation documentation writer.



Annuaire des membres :