


En résumé

• Phamacist with a Master’s degree in Pharmaceutical Marketing (Cum Laude - Mention Bien : 15,81/20)
• Apprenticeship: Product Manager Apprentice in Cardiology during 1 year at SANOFI
• Appentency for digital
• My strenghs: Presentation skills / Initiative taker / Organization / Autonomous /Team player / Motivation

Mes compétences :
Big Data
Stratégie digitale
Marketing multicanal
Economie de la santé
Business Analysis
Marketing opérationnel
Étude de marché
Marketing direct
Marketing stratégique
Microsoft Office
Adobe Illustrator
Accès au marché


  • Sanofi - Product Manager Apprentice - Cardiology (Kardégic, DuoPlavin)

    Paris 2014 - 2015 • Operational Marketing: promotional campaigns preparation (arguments, medical visit tools ...), following up the stocks, sales forecast, congress presence
    • Strategic Marketing: Brand plan 2016
    • Presentations: seminar, meeting with pharmaceutical sales representatives, animations meetings
    • Using CRM for a «Marketing Direct» project
    • Digital: update of a website «www.sanofi-cardiologie.fr», brainstorming for the creation of a new website, digitalisation of promotional tools
    • Development of a multi-channel communication strategy
    • Field: management of the relations with the sales force, «Duo day», animation of training
  • Servier - Intern Product Manager - Coveram, Bipreterax 10 & Natrixam (cardiology)

    Suresnes 2014 - 2014 • Aid in campaign preparation for the 3 drugs (different levels in the life cycle drug management: launch, growing and established)
    • Update of promotional tools
    • Design of new innovative supports for sales force
    • Digital: promotion of an health mobile application for patients suffering from HBP
  • CHU BORDEAUX - Pharmacy intern in Sterilization

    Talence 2014 - 2014 • Use of a software called "Sterigest" for the traceability
    • Quality controls
    • Audit of some blocks (cardiology, digestive) in order to improve the traceability of medical devices
  • CHU BORDEAUX - Pharmacy intern in Anesthesiology

    Talence 2013 - 2013 • Prescriptions analysis
    • Visiting patients with physicians


  • Université Paris 11 Paris Sud

    Chatenay Malabry 2014 - 2015 Master

    • Operational Marketing: Market studies, the brand's pathway, marketing functions and role of the product manager, the sales force at the hospital, digital

    • Strategic Marketing: Brand plan, drug lifecycle management, delisting, business intelligence

    • Digital Seminar / The Magistrales : brand plans for IHealth / Brand plan for GSK / War-Game / London Seminar / Singapore
  • Université Bordeaux 2 Victor Segalen UFR Pharmacie

    Bordeaux 2007 - 2015 Pharmacist

    Scientific background


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