- Projects Engineering Head (Directeur des Etudes)
2018 - maintenant
Projects Engineering Head - Projects and customers references:
• EDF / NPCIL Jaïtapur (India) Nuclear Power Plant (NPP)
- Balance Of Plant (BOP), engineering director in the bid team organization
- Nuclear (NI) & conventional (CI) islands: France/India engineering coordination
• Rosatom / El Dabaa (Egypt) NPP – EUR (Eu. Utility Requirements) investigation
Sofregaz Sas
- Proposal manager
2017 - 2018
SOFREGAZ SAS - Puteaux [SOFREN affiliate company]
• Speaker for Sofregaz - HSE Symposium in Tehran 25-28 February , “HSE Services for Accident Reduction”, cf. https://www.shana.ir/fa/newsagency/281597
• Project Quality Manager - NIOC (Iran) South Pars 2-3 Flare Gas Project – I have built the PQMS of that 42 M$ EPCC contract to work with a local Iranian Contractor
• Proposal Manager – commercial development with KATCO (= JV between ORANO & KAZATOMPROM in Kazakhstan), MoU signed with the Design Institute “KITNG”
- Head of Engineering (Directeur des Etudes)
Saint-Cloud Cedex
2015 - 2018
Développement d'une structure d'ingénierie décentralisée, multisites et multimétiers, base France, développement commercial, réalisation d'études conceptuelles, pour des clients du secteur de l'énergie nucléaire (EDF, CEA, Areva, Iter, F4E, etc.) et pétrole / gaz, pour les EAU et l'Iran (via la filiale Sofregaz du groupe Sofren).
Head of Engineering - Projects and customers references:
CEA - Nuclear facilities decommissioning projects (confidential)
* All civil sites : Marcoule, Cadarache, Saclay, Fontenay-aux-Roses ;
* National defence sites : Valduc (C171 cell), Bruyères-le-Châtel (Tera1000)
AREVA NP - chemicals - FEEDs (confidential, fuel cycle components)
* Sites : Jarrie (Zr sponge), Rugles (Zr mill), Ugine (HF70%)
EDF - DCN (nuclear fuel)
* New package for primary concentrates liquid effluents transportation by road, ADR regulation, AIEA radioprotection study to lower gamma dose rate
* Several feasibility and FEEDs within frame contracts related to all French nuclear power plants, with recent partnerships with UK firms in the UK.
ITER - (Hot Cells building reengineering, within a UK consortium) and
F4E - Fusion for Energy, safety cases related to European supplies incorporated in ITER, Barcelone and Cadarache based
O&G - Bids for U.A.E: Gasco / Adnoc, Irak: Taqa Global, Iran: Nigc / Nioc.
- Lead Engineering Manager
2013 - 2015
TOTAL EP\PJC (Exploration / production - Projets et Construction)
- Offshore Barbier & Mandaros Platforms
Project ``BAM/MAM - Gas lift compression revamping''.
Assigned in the engineering contractor offices located in France - Pau, for interfacing engineering activities with the Company teams (DEV/TEC) located both in Port-Gentil / Pau and Paris-La Défense centers.
He has been managing all steps of the engineering process:
* Basic design, Detail studies, 3D model reviews, Project Cost optimization,
* quantities issuance for works subcontracts, Requisitioning,
* Review and approval of Vendors docs under the Company tool ``Prodom'' system,
* Company attendance to the reviews Hazid / Hazop / Sils / SPOTs / PTRs.
Reporting to the PM located in Gabon, delegated for signing off all the documentation.
- Ingénieur - associé fondateur
2012 - maintenant
Conception et expertise d'unités de procédés relevant de la chimie, nucléaire, pétrole, gaz, métallurgie, et management de processus de projets: contrats et claims, ingénierie de base et de détail, construction, contrôle qualité et réception. Worldwide
- Company Certification Manager
2008 - 2011
Bidding activities on Total u.k. - Laggan&Tormorre onshore facility, Polskie LNG Terminal
Audits - Vendors' pre-award audits : Cameron U.K. Leeds, Bel Valves and Pacson u.k., Fabricom Grimbergen in Belgium
* QC audits on the construction sites : Utbs - Algeria, Canaport LNG Terminal - Canada NB, Pearl c8 - Qatar
* Fabrication yards' audits : India Shapoorji (Mumbai), Corea STX (Seoul), Malaysia Kencana (Kuala Lumpur), Abu Dhabi - William Hare, Dubaï - Lamprell, Sharja - Descons (E.A.U.)
QC system - setting up under french language the saipem QC system for the needs of the Algerian projects: UTBS and LPG at Hassi-Messaoud, and Arzew lng export terminal.
- Project Certification Manager
2007 - 2008
FLUXYS LNG Facilities - Belgium Zeebrugge
Project ``First Extension of the LNG receiving Terminal''.
He has been managing the Eu. Directives (PED, ATEX, etc.) certification process:
* placement of the order to the NoBo (SGS No. 1179) ;
* creation of the Work Certification Breakdown Structure with a traceability index
* drawing up of the Saipem (as the Manufacturer) CE conformity dossier with collection of all of the Vendors' CE conformity cerificates
* Introduction of the Certification dossier to the Belgian authorities (WASO)
He was delegated by the chairman for signing off all the mandatory CE documentation.
- Company QC system & Certification Manager
2005 - 2011
Certification d'ouvrages et qc construction onshore / offshore
gosp, lng, fpso, fsru, cryo tanks, pipelines...
- Company QC system Manager
2004 - 2007
He was in charge of setting up the processes below in the Company QMS:
* Certification of the Works, worldwide ;
* Projects periodic quality reporting (all projects led by Saipem s.a.) ;
* Mechanical completion process (same),
Consequently, to verify that the proper implementation of these processes, site audits:
* ERHA, Singapore (FPSO-Topsides), and LNG Terminals: HAZIRA-India, GUANGDONG-China, ZEEBRUGGE-Belgium, FREEPORT-Texas, FOS Cavaou-Fr.
* SAKHALINE II (onshore pipelines), INTERMARE SARDA (offshore fabrication yard),
* BERROUAGHIA- Algeria (Power plant). ;
Bouygues Construction
- Projects Engineering Manager
2001 - 2004
Pour Bouygues Offshore, développement de centres d'ingénierie "low cost" en Inde Chennaï et New Delhi.
* TOTAL RN (Refinery of Normandy) - France, Le Havre - ``OSBL of the DHC project''
* GUANGDONG LNG Terminal - China, Dapeng - ``Extension to a 3rd LNG Tank''
* TOTAL UPSTREAM NIGERIA Ltd - ``AKPO Field Development Project - FPSO Unit''. Assigned in India, New-Delhi - Triune Cpy, to manage the issuance of all the quantities required for pricing the topside in a two months period
* DOLPHIN ENERGY LIMITED - Qatar - ``Dolphin OGP (Onshore Gas Plant)''
* SHELL Global Solutions IBV - ``Altamira Mexico LNG Import Terminal - BOD/BDP''
* SONATRACH/BHP - Algeria, Berkine - ``ROD Integrated Development'' (onshore oil). Multi-centers engineering coordination France / India / Algeria
- Branch Office Manager (@ Lyon-France)
1997 - 2001
Création et développement d'un structure d'ingénierie dédiée aux projets relevant du raffinage, de la chimie, de la pharmacie. développement d'activité d'étude de projets en Suisse, Allemagne, Algérie depuis Lyon.
He has been developing a branch office located in Lyon-France, for Dow Chemicals, Rhodia, Arkema, Merck, etc. Formerly, he has been assigned on :
* THAICOPPER, Bangkok - Thailand - Copper production Plant 165000t/year)
* TIOXIDE Europe S.A. - Calais - ``Sulphuric Effluents Treatment Unit - 520 tpd''
* LETTERFLEX Syst. - ``Transfer of a co-polymerization unit from UK to France''
* ATOCHEM, Eastern France - Carling petrochemicals plant - Project ``Steam-cracker No. II decennial shutdown works'', Ess2(C5+)/Distapex (Benzene) units.
* TOTAL RN (Refinery of Normandy) - France, Le Havre - Project ``Hazard studies -regulatory safety dossiers of two de-asphalting and one catalytic cracking units
- Construction supervisor, Area and Site Manager, Project Manager
1991 - 1997
Nombreux chantiers et projets, dont Tioxide Calais, Taïnox Thaïlande, arrêt décennal du vapocraqueur II d'Atochem à Carling / Saint-Avold en 94... Révision d'études de dangers à la raffinerie Total de Gonfreville, chime fine et pharmacie, etc.
THAICOPPER, Bangkok - Thailand - Copper production Plant 165000t/year)
TIOXIDE Europe S.A. - Calais - ``Sulphuric Effluents Treatment Unit - 520 tpd''
Safran Aircraft Engines
- Fabrication Group Manager
1985 - 1991
Dans l'usine de Corbeil - fabrication des deux prototypes du M88 (chasseur Rafale), des CFM56 (motorisation des airbus), d'autres moteurs militaires. mise en route d'unités dans l'usine du Creusot en 87 (inaugurée par F. Mitterand)
SNECMA - Evry and Le Creusot Fabrication Engineering
* Main factory, located in Corbeil-Evry: management of a methods (fabrication process) group for the two first M88 engines (motorization of the ``rafale'' cruiser). ;
* Le creusot, for a 1 year assignment: commissioning/Start-up of a fully automated plant dedicated to the fabrication of CFM56 and military turbine discs. ;