Scientific background with a Ph.D in biochemistry then subsequent post-doctoral training in molecular and cellular biology for 5+ years. Ten years of combined experience as a research biologist in the biotechnology industry and as a medical information associate in the pharmaceutical industry. Currently working as a scientific communication specialist in the pharmaceutical industry. Extensive knowledge of the following fields: preclinical drug development, project and lab management, medical information, scientific communication. Aiming at working in medical information, medical affairs and/or medical-related activities in a dynamic organization that uses my expertise and experiences for the advancement of human health.
- Canadian Rx&D Code of Ethical Practices e-Training Program (2012).
- Medical Communications eLearning Certificate from the US Drug Information Association (2010): Crisis Management, Database Management, Literature Evaluation, Literature Searching, Medical Inquiries, Medical Writing, Product Labeling, Regulatory Issues and Statistics for Medical Communications.
Mes compétences :
Drug development
Microsoft Project
Microsoft Project Management
Molecular biology