
Dumont DENIS

  • Wework France
  • Consultant ICT


En résumé

Creating value is the essence of business. Also the create value without sharing with others don't give real result.
The concept of shared value can be defined as policies and operating practices that enhance the competitiveness of a company while simultaneously advancing the economic and social conditions in the communities in which it operates. Shared value creation focuses on identifying and expanding the connections between societal and economic progress.
Partnership is a key.

Mes compétences :
Conseil IT
Conseil en formation
IDEE Financial Software


  • Wework France - Consultant ICT

    Production | Paris 2019 - maintenant Fluidifier les contacts entre les entreprises Françaises et Anglaises. Gérer la mise en place des technologies ICT. Surveiller les bonnes pratiques.
  • L.M.G - Project Manager

    2018 - 2019 Interface entre Uk et la France, sur la partie IT, AV et Sécurité contôle d'accès dans la construction d'un projet d'immeuble de huit étages. Position AMO.
  • D2CN - Consultant

    2012 - maintenant Building,Integrating, promoting customer intimacy for international company wanted to manage new business in France.
  • Panduit - Business Director

    London 2003 - 2012 Global responsability from Sales to daily operation.
    Managing a team with 16 people.
    Result 18 Million $ in 2011
  • ITT Corporation - Directeur Ventes Europe

    Rueil Malmaison 1994 - 2003
  • Tekelec - Chef Produit

    Morrisville 1989 - 1994



Annuaire des membres :