


En résumé

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  • EDF - Nuclear Operations and Process Engineer

    Paris 2016 - maintenant Drive Nuclear Control Systems Simulators 1300MW Safely in Normal situations. Develop, implement, and evaluate Simulator training.

    Operate Nuclear Systems in the event of disturbances, manage relationship between various departments and distribution system operator.

    Manage serious accidents drawn up in the the safety report and drive crisis organisation (PUI, GIAG...)

    Provide Process Expertise to the licensed operators

    Lead Projects to Develop and Update technical training systems.
  • Supergrid Institute - Project Engineering and Test Manager

    2011 - 2015 Project Management : Complex Power and Storage Systems Design including various energy carriers (Pump, Turbine, Solar, Lithium-ion Battery , FlyWheel, PSP…)

    Management of Industrial Information Systems: Instrumentation, Data Acquisition, Network (Server,ModBus, TCP, RTU, CAN, RS232/485..), SuperComputing, Supervision and Control (SCADA...), Automatic piloting and Software Development.

    Testing Lab Operation : Ensure activity, Solve problems and Manage outages : 3 Main Tests Rigs (Energy Storage, Turbomachine, SmartGrid/Microgrid)

    Asset Management : Monitor the state of equipments and assess the risk of failure. Plan maintenance and drive tasks.

    Team Management : Oversee and drive project team. Plan tasks and increase skills of technicians and engineers. Ensure the safety rules.
  • Oxand Risk Management Solutions, Lausanne - Stage : Ingénieur en gestion stratégique des risques

    2010 - 2010 Développement logiciel d’aide à la décision pour la Gestion d'actifs :
    - Analyse du marché;
    - Etude stratégique du vieillissement des infrastructures;
    - Développement d’algorithmes de gestion des risques (arbres, graphes, aléatoire...): Optimisation des actions de maintenance sous contraintes d'investissements et provision pour risque;
    - Programmation d'un simulateur financier : calcul du timbre (redevance de transport de l'énergie), WACC, plan d'amortissement, prévision (modélisations mathématiques)…;

    Etudes de gestion des actifs pour SEL, ALPIQ et RFF :
    - Etude du vieillissement des infrastructures et définition des budgets CAPEX/OPEX;
    - Politique de maintenances et aide à la décision.
  • EDF-DTG - Development, Test and Measurement Engineer for Hydropower Plant

    Paris 2010 - 2011 Achievement of Energetic Performance Manual for Hydropower Plant:
    - Energetic Analysis;
    - Operation and Limitation Studies;
    - Redesign of Powerplant.

    Cross-Disciplinary Management: Overall Energy Efficiency Optimization for Hydroelectric Powerplant (Instrumentation and Control Systems, Alternator, Hydro-Mechanical Stress, Transients…);

    Testing and Measurements : Plan and Drive studies, Measurements and Tests (Thermodynamic, Dilution, Ultrasonic Measurement, Scintillation, PIV…), Compilation and Results Analysis;

    Modeling and Software Development for a Strategic plant operation:
    - Expressing Needs;
    - Functional Analysis;
    - Algorithm Development for Efficiency and Energy Optimization;
    - Test and Validation;
    - Write User, Technical and Software Architecture Manual.


  • Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (Institut Royal De Technologie) (Stockholm)

    Stockholm 2008 - 2009 Energie, trading et management
  • Institut National Polytechnique Ense3

    Grenoble 2007 - 2010 Engineer's Degrees (Master of Science in Engineering)
  • Monge

    Chambery 2005 - 2007 Prep Classes


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