7 years of work experience in Project Management and International Development
- Internationalising activities of companies, associations and clusters: developing new partnership agreements, raising international exposure and influence, boosting international projects and sales
- Strategic and operational participation in EU projects related to innovation clusters and lead markets, in the framework of the EC DG GROW, the DG RTD with FP6&7 programs, the DG REGIO with Interreg IV program: organisation of international meetings and negotiations, evaluation of project proposals, management of deliverables, budget management, follow up and reporting
- Organisation of major international events (300+): drawing detailed retro-planning, designing event program, convincing high level speakers, finding an adequate venue, organisation of logistics
- Management of an international team of 12 people: setting up sales objectives and annual budget, training and follow up of activities
• Strong ability to research and maintain relationships with potential partners and customers
• Global sensitivity, multi-cultural understanding and empathy
• Diplomacy and good interpersonal skill
• Ability to speak in front of large audiences
> Powered by an international working environment and very open to challenging opportunities!
> Specialties: international relations, international sales, business strategy, event planning and management, negotiation with high-level contacts, networking
Mes compétences :
Relations Publiques
Gestion de projet
Commerce international
Management interculturel
Développement de partenariats