

En résumé

J'ai accumulé un large éventail d'expériences professionnelles travaillant pour des organisations à but non lucratif pendant plus de huit ans à la fois dans des situation d'urgence mais aussi des contexte de pays en voie de développement. J'ai développé de solides compétences en matière de levée de fonds, de gestion des ressources humaines, d'audit, de suivi et l'évaluation, d'analyse des politiques, de gestion de projet etc.
Spécialités: développement international, gestion des conflits, analyse des politiques, suivi et évaluation, évaluation des besoins, audit, gestion du programme / projet et plaidoyer

Mes compétences :
policy analysis
team building
stabilisation programming
Déplacement de population
resource development
Gestion des Ressources Humaines
Gestion des Conflits
Gestion d'équipe
Gestion de cycle de projet
Gestion de projet
Microsoft Word
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Excel
HR management
Donor Relations
Conflict analysis
Camp Management
Business Development
Administrative Law


  • Convergences - Directrice Exécutive

    2016 - maintenant Convergences est la première plate-forme de réflexion en Europe rassemblant acteurs publics, privés, et solidaires, mais aussi universitaires et médias, autour d'un objectif commun: la construction d'un monde « Zéro Exclusion, Zéro Carbone, zéro Pauvreté".
    Pour plus d'informations sur Convergences -

    Le poste de directeur exécutif comprend les responsabilités suivantes:
    1) Stratégie: participer activement au développement de la vision, la mission et du plan stratégique de Convergences en collaboration avec le Conseil d'administration et, une fois adopté, participer activement à la promotion et la mise en œuvre du plan stratégique.
    2) Coordination de la plate-forme
    3) Recrutement et Gestion des RH
    4) Gestion des ressources financières et matérielles
    5) Levée de fonds et Création de partenariats externes
    6) Développement de nouvelles initiatives et activités et de réseautage avec des plates-formes similaires dans d'autres pays
  • the CCCM Cluster - Co-coordinator

    2014 - 2014 The Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) Cluster was activated in South Sudan in December 2013 with the objective of facilitating the provision of services to displaced populations that have gathered in camp-like settings. 

IOM and UNHCR are co-leading the cluster, in coordination with ACTED, the cluster NGO co-lead. The CCCM Cluster supports the overall coordination of humanitarian services in IDP sites, taking a holistic approach to upholding basic human rights and meeting the needs of the site population. Specific activities undertaken by the CCCM Cluster in South Sudan include coordination of service delivery within IDP sites, site planning, site setup and improvement, and IDP registration.
    Overall Objective of the CCCM Cluster: To coordinate and monitor the targeted and effective delivery of sector-specific services in displacement sites, thereby ensuring that basic humanitarian living conditions are maintained for IDPs, while also building the foundations for voluntary return and recovery interventions where it is possible and safe to do so.
  • ACTED - Country Director - South Sudan

    Paris 2012 - 2014 ACTED South Sudan has diverse programming across the country. With 9 offices in Upper Nile, Jonglei, Lakes, Warrap, Western Bahr el Ghazal and Central Equatoria, the mission has over 50 international staff and around 400 permanent staff for a budget of c. $25m in 2014. (c. $3.8 m in 2011)

The main activities include:

    • Camp management activities - refugee camps as well as IDPs camps (PoC and spontaneous settlement)
    • Camp support activities including water supply & testing, waste management, livelihoods, cash for work, and more.
    • Support to host communities including water supply, minor infrastructure, livelihoods and more.
    • Information management using REACH, such as assessments of a variety of camp and host community issues across the country.
    The position as Country Director includes:

    • Oversight of all departments, including: Finance, Logistics, Administration, Reporting, Appraisal Monitoring Evaluation, Compliance / Audit, GIS and Programs.
    • Guide and direct all staff particular in terms of program direction and implementation
    • Representing ACTED including donors, national authorities, partners, coordination groups, and other key stakeholders. Donors include ECHO, OFDA, BPRM, UNHCR, WFP, UNDP, and more.

    • Developing and implement a country strategy and contribute to ACTED Global and ACTED Africa strategies
    • Impact Initiative / REACH coordinator for South Sudan
    • Security and expatriate focal points,
    In addition, I was elected Steering Committee Member of the NGO forum in September 2013 and consistently represented the NGO forum members (around 130 international organisations) in various fora (including the Humanitarian Country Team from December 2013 to June 2014)
  • ACTED - Emergency Response Team (REACT) member - Horn of Africa Famine declaration

    Paris 2011 - 2011 Horn of Africa - Famine declaration:
 Developing an assessment strategy;
 Leading needs assessments; and
 Developing project proposals, addressing donor requests or catalysing action on specific projects
  • ACTED - Directeurr Pays Tchad

    Paris 2011 - 2012 ACTED Chad had offices in N'Gouri, Oum Hadjer, Abeché, Goz Beida, Goré and N'Djamena. The mission had around 15 international staff and around 200 permanent staff for a budget of c. $5,3m in 2011 and $7,2m in 2012. With project in WASH, Food Security & Livelihoods, Food and NFI distributions, Environment / DRR, for IDPs, returnees, refugees and host communities.
  • ACTED - Emergency Response Team (REACT) member - Haiti Post Earthquake

    Paris 2010 - 2010 Post earthquake:
 Developing internal coordination and communication mechanisms (incl. project follow up); 
Developing an external donor relations strategy;
 Developing an external communications strategy; and
 Developing project proposals and budgets, addressing donor requests or catalysing action on specific projects

  • ACTED - Project Development Manager - Tchad

    Paris 2008 - 2010 This position includes the direct line management of 1 international staff, 5 permanent national staff and up to 30 temporary staff.
  • ACTED - Reporting intern - HQ

    Paris 2008 - 2008


  • Institut D'Etudes Politiques

    Lille 2007 - 2008 Master

    Analyse des Conflits et Construction de la Paix
    Topics: Prevention, Tools for Conflict analysis, Humanitarian Intervention, Peacebuilding...
  • University Of Wales UWA (Aberystwyth)

    Aberystwyth 2005 - 2006 Third Year in the Department of International Politics, University of Wales,
    Topics: Third World in International Politics, Power, Conflict and Development in Africa, Humanitarian Intervention...
  • Institut D'Etudes Politiques Sciences Po

    Strasbourg 2003 - 2007 Diplôme de l'IEP

    Diplôme de l'IEP Administration Publique obtenu avec mention
    Topics: Politics, Economics, European law, European economics, Administrative law...
  • Lycée Camille See

    Colmar 1999 - 2003 Baccalauréat Economique et Social

    Spécialité: Maths. Options - Portugais, Européenne Anglais
    Obtenu avec mention - Très bien


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