After getting my Engineer diploma in Physics in 1995, I really wanted to study in depth a fundamental research area. This motivated me to apply for a PhD in solid state physics (quantum paraelectrics, using Brillouin and neutron scattering).
I then joined, at the end of my PhD in 1998, the world leading neutron facility, the ILL in Grenoble, France []: international staff, the best technology in neutron instrumentation and software. I stayed 3 years as instrument responsible on a triple axis neutron spectrometer (to study mono-crystal dynamics), and more specifically took care of a spin-echo option (magnetic fields everywhere).
I had the opportunity to move to the ILL Scientific Computing group in 2001, which I always have been attracted by (I developed neural networks and computer simulations during my engineer studies on my Atari ST). Keeping some of my instrument responsible duties until 2007, I gradually moved to scientific computing (molecular dynamics, Monte-Carlo simulations, data analysis software ...).
Since 2019, I've moved to the Synchrotron Soleil, as Head of the Data Analysis Group. Our job is to assist beam-lines in using and developping software for their needs.
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Mes compétences :
Informatique scientifique
Biologie végétale
Calcul scientifique
Modélisation moléculaire
Diffusion neutronique
Simulation Monte-Carlo
Calcul Parallèle
Gestion de projet
Données nucléaires
Membre collaborateur AIEA et OCDE-AEN
Organisation d'évènements
Gestion de projet informatique